On behalf of the OSD Director of Administration and Management, and the Director, Washington Headquarters Services, the Directives Division is responsible for the following programs.
DoD Directives Program
A collection of over 1300 DoD issuances documenting the Department of Defense's foundational policies, assignment of responsibilities, delegations of authority, and implementing procedures.
- Ensure DoD issuances (Directives, Instructions, Manuals, Directive-Type Memorandums, and Administrative Instructions) properly codify DoD policies, assignment of responsibilities, delegations of authority, and procedures to implement Federal law, Executive orders, and Presidential Directives.
- Maintain the DoD issuance governing the Directives Program (DoDI 5025.01, "DoD Directives Program").
- Provide training, templates, and step-by-step procedures to assist action officers in preparing, coordinating, and processing issuances.
- DoD Directives Portals: Administers the unclassified and classified Portals used to electronically coordinate issuances.
- DoD Issuances websites: Administers the unclassified and classified issuances websites; electronically publishes issuances and guidance for action officers.
- Editorial review: Assesses issuances and corrects errors in substance, grammar, and format during the pre-coordination, pre-signature, and final stages of the Directives process.
- Manages/preserves the records of DoD issuances (all issuances and associated documentation are permanent official government records).
The DoD Internal Information Collections Program
Oversee management, control, licensing, and tracking of all DoD internally-generated reports.
- Ensure internal information collections approval process is coordinated with the appropriate components and costed IAW Secretary of Defense efficiencies guidance.
- Oversee the management, control, licensing, and tracking of all DoD internally-generated information collections to prevent DoD resources being expended on redundant and obsolete requirements.
- Publish and maintain guidance regarding the use of, cost-benefit analysis of, and establish sunset provisions for, report requirements.
- Develop, implement, and administer a searchable central repository for DoD internally-generated information collections to ensure they are established, generated, searchable, and preserved through a web-based environment.
The DoD Plain Language Program
Implements the Plain Writing Act of 2010 to improve DoD efficiency by improving communications. The DoD Plain Language Website, maintained by the Directives Division, helps the Department of Defense "speak clearly" by providing guidance on how to write simply, clearly, and effectively.
- Develop DoD policy on plain language.
- Monitor and report on DoD implementation and compliance.
- Develop and oversee DoD training programs.
- Solicit and respond to public inquiries concerning the Plain Writing Act.