News & Events

OneBoard Research
OneBoard Research supports detailed discovery of publicly-available research authored by Board staff since 2009, including working papers, notes, reports, journal articles and other publications. Developed by the Research Library, OneBoard Research facilitates simultaneous full-text searching of FEDS and IFDP working papers, Notes, and Board-prepared reports. The database also reveals the relationships between research products.
Sharing Knowledge About Datasets and Software Languages
Knowledge Exchange is a new platform for Board staff to share information and ask questions about data and technologies. If you learn about ways to use statistical software more effectively, develop a new piece of helpful code, or have a tip about using a particular dataset, post it to Knowledge Exchange. For additional information, contact Ask-a-Librarian.

Finding Board Staff Who Share Your Research Interests
Looking for a co-author? Want to share the draft of your paper to get other perspectives? Board Expert Finder (please open in Firefox) helps you to identify and contact Board colleagues interested in subjects that interest you. Expert Finder’s visual display uses metadata from OneBoard Research to present Board researchers by the subjects of their published works. Contact Ask-A-Librarian with any questions.

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Board Research Library: Where data, information, and knowledge intersect
Board Research
Board Economist Citation Reports
Metadata and Content Management
OneBoard Research (Board Publication Database)
Selecting Journals for Article Submissions