About the Library

Accessing the Library Collection

The Research Library has a unique collection of almost 50,000 titles, including about 1300 periodical subscriptions, and provides access to almost 7400 electronic journals and over 5500 electronic books. The Research Library also provides access to over 70 journal databases, such as EconLit and JSTOR, and other electronic services, government documents, working papers, and microform products. The collection includes resource material on monetary policy, domestic and international banking, economics, finance, the history and activities of the Federal Reserve System, and major publications of other central banks. The Library supports the Board’s information environment by increasing its digital collections and developing its capacity to support virtual library services. Access to the Library's collection, as well as to data resources acquired by the Board, is provided via the Library Catalog.

Staff needing admittance on evenings or weekends should contact Kris Vajs, Chief Librarian. Visitors from outside the Federal Reserve System should call 202-452-3333 to make special arrangements to use the Library by appointment. All visitors enter through the Visitor's Center on 20th Street and must be escorted by a Library staff member.

Use our library map to easily locate library collections, quiet work areas, copiers, computer workstations, and our most important asset-our staff.

Library Map

(Click for full-size map)

For more information about the Board Research Library, please email Ask-a-Librarian, call x3333 or contact us via the Ask-a-Librarian Lync IM.

Offsite Storage

Due to tight space considerations, some of the lesser-used publications have been moved to climate controlled offsite storage. Many bound journals from prior to 1980 are stored offsite. Items stored in offsite storage will be indicated in the Library Catalog as “older issues off-site.”

The majority of older journal issues are available in full-text electronically through library journal databases and archival services like JSTOR.

If you do need access to publications stored in offsite storage, please contact a librarian for assistance. The librarian can request the volume be brought to the Library and held at the Information Desk for you to check out.

For more information about requesting delivery of items located in offsite storage, please email Ask-a-Librarian, call x3333 or contact us via the Ask-a-Librarian IM.

Resources at Contingency Site

The Library is committed to providing research guidance and resources during any possible contingency. Key reference books are accessible at the Board’s contingency site. Many of our research resources are hosted and can be accessed off-site directly via personal user ids and via the Mobile Research Library. Research Librarians also have laptops and Blackberries to continue to provide research services during emergencies.

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Phone: x3333
Eccles B-C-241
Mail Stop 103

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Search Tools

Search Tools


Library Catalog (Books & Research Resources)
Journal Articles (EBSCOHost EconLit)
Data (DataFinder)
News (News Research Guide)
Board Research (OneBoard Research)


Board Research Library: Where data, information, and knowledge intersect