About the Library


The Research Library, in coordination with Board IT, has both guest Wi-Fi (outside the firewall) “EMG” and Board “ELMO” inside the firewall Wi-Fi access throughout the Library’s lobby and meeting spaces. Whether you would like to connect using your Board-issued laptop or your personal tablet, you can find quiet spaces in the Board’s Research Library to focus on your projects or catch up on reading the latest online news and e-magazines. Your guests can also connect to EMG for presentations and access to their work as well.

  • ELMO (Enhanced LAN Mobility Option) allows Board and Reserve Bank staff to seamlessly connect to the Board’s network wirelessly using their Board issued laptops. Simply enable wireless connectivity on your laptop and select ELMO from the available options.
  • Enhanced Mobility for Guests (EMG) provides Board visitors and staff with wireless Internet “guest” access similar to public Wi-Fi hotspots. EMG can be used by visitors to the Board to connect to the Internet in order to make presentations or continue their own work while visiting the Board. Board staff can also use EMG to connect to the Internet with their own personal laptops, tablets, and smart phones.

To access EMG, Board staff must first register their visitors or themselves as “guest” users using the registration system found at https://emg.frb.gov. The system will create and e-mail a username and password to the e-mail address that is provided during the registration process. Instructions on how to use the registration system and FAQ can be found online. The guest user must use their credentials to access the EMG network. EMG accounts are limited to a 90-day period, and the accounts can be re-registered after expiration.

For more information about Wi-Fi access in the Research Library, please email Ask-a-Librarian, call x3333 or contact us via the Ask-a-Librarian IM.

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