Federal Reserve System Organization

Congress designed the Federal Reserve System to give it a broad perspective on the economy and on economic activity in all parts of the nation. As such, the System is composed of a central, governmental agency--the Board of Governors--in Washington, D.C., and 12 regional Federal Reserve Banks. This section lists key officials across the System, including the Board of Governors, its officers, Federal Open Market Committee members, several System councils, and Federal Reserve Bank and Branch directors and officers.

Board of Governors

The Board of Governors of the Federal Reserve System is composed of seven members, who are nominated by the President and confirmed by the Senate. The Chairman and the Vice Chairman of the Board are also named by the President from among the members and are confirmed by the Senate. For a full listing of Board members from 1914 through the present, visit www.federalreserve.gov/aboutthefed/bios/board/boardmembership.htm.

Ben S. Bernanke

Janet L. Yellen
Vice Chair

Elizabeth A. Duke
(resigned August 31, 2013)

Daniel K. Tarullo

Sarah Bloom Raskin

Jeremy C. Stein

Jerome H. Powell

Divisions and Officers

Fifteen divisions support and carry out the mission of the Board of Governors, which is based in Washington, D.C.

Office of Board Members

Michelle A. Smith

Linda L. Robertson
Assistant to the Board

Rosanna Pianalto-Cameron
Assistant to the Board

David W. Skidmore
Assistant to the Board

Brian J. Gross
Special Assistant to the Board for Congressional Liaison

Lucretia M. Boyer
Special Assistant to the Board for Public Information

Winthrop P. Hambley
Senior Adviser

Andrew T. Levin
Special Adviser to the Board

Jon W. Faust
Special Advisor to the Board

Adrienne D. Hurt

Legal Division

Scott G. Alvarez
General Counsel

Richard M. Ashton
Deputy General Counsel

Kathleen M. O'Day
Deputy General Counsel

Stephanie Martin
Associate General Counsel

Laurie S. Schaffer
Associate General Counsel

Katherine H. Wheatley
Associate General Counsel

Jean C. Anderson
Assistant General Counsel

Alison M. Thro
Assistant General Counsel

Cary K. Williams
Assistant General Counsel

Office of the Secretary

Robert deV. Frierson

Margaret M. Shanks
Deputy Secretary

Michael J. Lewandowski
Associate Secretary

Division of International Finance

Steven B. Kamin

Thomas A. Connors
Deputy Director

Michael P. Leahy
Deputy Director

Trevor A. Reeve
Senior Associate Director

Christopher J. Erceg
Senior Associate Director

David H. Bowman
Associate Director

Charles P. Thomas
Associate Director

Beth Anne Wilson
Associate Director

Shaghil Ahmed
Deputy Assistant Director

Joseph W. Gruber
Deputy Assistant Director

James Dahl
Assistant Director

Mark S. Carey
Senior Adviser

Sally M. Davies
Senior Adviser

Brian M. Doyle
Senior Adviser

Jane Haltmaier
Senior Adviser

John H. Rogers
Senior Adviser

Office of Financial Stability Policy and Research

J. Nellie Liang

Andreas W. Lehnert
Deputy Director

Michael T. Kiley
Associate Director

John W. Schindler
Assistant Director

Rochelle M. Edge
Assistant Director

Division of Monetary Affairs

William B. English

Seth B. Carpenter
Deputy Director

James A. Clouse
Deputy Director

Stephen A. Meyer
Deputy Director

William Nelson
Deputy Director

Fabio M. Natalucci
Associate Director

Gretchen C. Weinbach
Associate Director

Egon Zakrajsek
Associate Director

William F. Bassett
Deputy Associate Director

Margaret G. DeBoer
Deputy Associate Director

Jane E. Ihrig
Deputy Associate Director

J. David Lopez-Salido
Deputy Associate Director

Matthew M. Luecke
Assistant Director

Edward M. Nelson
Assistant Director

Min Wei
Assistant Director

Deborah J. Danker
Senior Adviser

Ellen E. Meade
Senior Adviser

Joyce K. Zickler
Senior Adviser

Mary T. Hoffman

Robert J. Tetlow

Division of Research and Statistics

David W. Wilcox

Matthew J. Eichner
Deputy Director

Janice Shack-Marquez
Deputy Director

William L. Wascher III
Deputy Director

Daniel M. Covitz
Associate Director

Michael S. Cringoli
Associate Director

Eric M. Engen
Associate Director

Heinrich T. Laubach
Associate Director

David E. Lebow
Associate Director

Michael G. Palumbo
Associate Director

S. Wayne Passmore
Associate Director

Sean D. Campbell
Deputy Associate Director

Jeffrey C. Campione
Deputy Associate Director

Joshua H. Gallin
Deputy Associate Director

Diana Hancock
Deputy Associate Director

Arthur B. Kennickell
Assistant Director

Elizabeth K. Kiser
Assistant Director

John M. Roberts
Assistant Director

Steven A. Sharpe
Assistant Director

John J. Stevens
Assistant Director

Stacey M. Tevlin
Assistant Director

Glenn B. Canner
Senior Adviser

Robin A. Prager
Senior Adviser

Karen M. Pence

Jeremy Rudd

Division of Banking Supervision and Regulation

Michael S. Gibson

Maryann F. Hunter
Deputy Director

Mark E. Van Der Weide
Deputy Director

Barbara J. Bouchard
Senior Associate Director

Timothy P. Clark
Senior Associate Director

Jack P. Jennings II
Senior Associate Director

Arthur W. Lindo
Senior Associate Director

Peter J. Purcell
Senior Associate Director

William G. Spaniel
Senior Associate Director

Todd A. Vermilyea
Senior Associate Director

Kevin M. Bertsch
Associate Director

Nida Davis
Associate Director

Ann Misback
Associate Director

Richard A. Naylor II
Associate Director

Michael D. Solomon
Associate Director

Jeffery W. Gunther
Deputy Associate Director

Anna L. Hewko
Deputy Associate Director

Steven P. Merriett
Deputy Associate Director

Lisa H. Ryu
Deputy Associate Director

Michael J. Sexton
Deputy Associate Director

Mary L. Aiken
Assistant Director

Robert T. Ashman
Assistant Director

Adrienne T. Haden
Assistant Director

Michael J. Hsu
Assistant Director

Michael J. Kraemer
Assistant Director

Ryan P. Lordos
Assistant Director

David K. Lynch
Assistant Director

Robert T. Maahs
Assistant Director

Thomas K. Odegard
Assistant Director

Nancy J. Perkins
Assistant Director

Catherine A. Piche
Assistant Director

Tameika L. Pope
Assistant Director

Laurie F. Priest
Assistant Director

Richard C. Watkins
Assistant Director

Suzanne L. Williams
Assistant Director

Sarkis Yoghourtdjian
Assistant Director

Norah M. Barger
Senior Adviser

David S. Jones
Senior Adviser

Keith A. Ligon

Molly E. Mahar

William F. Treacy

Division of Consumer and Community Affairs

Sandra F. Braunstein

Tonda E. Price
Deputy Director

Anna Alvarez Boyd
Senior Associate Director

Suzanne G. Killian
Senior Associate Director

Allen J. Fishbein
Associate Director

James A. Michaels
Associate Director

Joseph A. Firschein
Deputy Associate Director

David E. Buchholz
Assistant Director

Carol A. Evans
Assistant Director

Phyllis L. Harwell
Assistant Director

Marisa A. Reid
Assistant Director

Division of Reserve Bank Operations and Payment Systems

Louise L. Roseman

Jeffrey C. Marquardt
Deputy Director

Susan V. Foley
Senior Associate Director

Jeff J. Stehm
Senior Associate Director

Kenneth D. Buckley
Associate Director

Gregory L. Evans
Associate Director

Michael J. Lambert
Associate Director

Dorothy B. LaChapelle
Associate Director

Lisa K. Hoskins
Deputy Associate Director

Jennifer A. Lucier
Deputy Associate Director

Stuart E. Sperry
Deputy Associate Director

Shaun E. Ferrari
Assistant Director

Timothy W. Maas
Assistant Director

David C. Mills
Assistant Director

Lawrence E. Mize
Assistant Director

Lorelei W. Pagano
Assistant Director

Marybeth Traverso
Assistant Director

Jeffrey D. Walker
Assistant Director

Paul W. Bettge
Senior Adviser

Office of the Chief Operating Officer

Donald V. Hammond
Chief Operating Officer

Micheline M. Casey
Chief Data Officer

Sandra A. Cannon
Deputy Chief Data Officer

Sheila Clark
Diversity and Inclusion Programs Director

Division of Financial Management

William L. Mitchell
Director and Chief Financial Officer

Christine M. Fields
Associate Director

Jeffrey R. Peirce
Deputy Associate Director

Christopher J. Suma
Assistant Director

Karen L. Vassallo
Assistant Director

Management Division

Michell C. Clark

David J. Capp
Deputy Director

David J. Harmon
Deputy Director

Marie S. Savoy
Senior Associate Director

Tara Tinsley-Pelitere
Associate Director

Keith F. Bates
Assistant Director

Curtis B. Eldridge
Assistant Director and Chief

Jeffrey Martin
Assistant Director

Reginald V. Roach
Assistant Director

Carol A. Sanders
Assistant Director

Theresa A. Trimble
Assistant Director

Todd A. Glissman
Senior Adviser

Division of Information Technology

Sharon L. Mowry

Geary L. Cunningham
Deputy Director

Wayne A. Edmondson
Deputy Director

Lisa M. Bell
Associate Director

Raymond Romero
Associate Director

Kofi A. Sapong
Associate Director

William Dennison
Deputy Associate Director

Glenn S. Eskow
Deputy Associate Director

Marietta Murphy
Deputy Associate Director

Kassandra Arana Quimby
Deputy Associate Director

Sheryl Lynn Warren
Deputy Associate Director

Rajasekhar R. Yelisetty
Deputy Associate Director

Theresa C. Palya
Assistant Director

Virginia M. Wall
Assistant Director

Edgar Wang
Assistant Director

Charles B. Young II
Assistant Director

Tillena G. Clark

Can Xuan Nguyen

Office of Inspector General

Mark Bialek
Inspector General

James A. Ogden
Deputy Inspector General

Jacqueline M. Becker
Associate Inspector General

Elise M. Ennis
Associate Inspector General

Melissa M. Heist
Associate Inspector General

Andrew Patchan Jr.
Associate Inspector General

Lawrence K. Valett
Associate Inspector General

Federal Open Market Committee

The Federal Open Market Committee is made up of the seven members of the Board of Governors; the president of the Federal Reserve Bank of New York; and four of the remaining 11 Federal Reserve Bank presidents, who serve one-year terms on a rotating basis. During 2013, the Federal Open Market Committee held eight regularly scheduled meetings (see section 8, "Minutes of Federal Open Market Committee Meetings").


Ben S. Bernanke
Chairman, Board of Governors

William C. Dudley
Vice Chairman, President, Federal Reserve Bank of New York

James Bullard
President, Federal Reserve Bank of St. Louis

Elizabeth Duke
Member, Board of Governors (through August 2013)

Charles L. Evans
President, Federal Reserve Bank of Chicago

Esther L. George
President, Federal Reserve Bank of Kansas City

Jerome H. Powell
Member, Board of Governors

Sarah Bloom Raskin
Member, Board of Governors

Eric Rosengren
President, Federal Reserve Bank of Boston

Jeremy C. Stein
Member, Board of Governors

Daniel K. Tarullo
Member, Board of Governors

Janet L. Yellen
Member, Board of Governors

Alternate Members

Christine M. Cumming
First Vice President, Federal Reserve Bank of New York

Richard W. Fisher
President, Federal Reserve Bank of Dallas

Narayana Kocherlakota
President, Federal Reserve Bank of Minneapolis

Sandra Pianalto
President, Federal Reserve Bank of Cleveland

Charles I. Plosser
President, Federal Reserve Bank of Philadelphia


William B. English
Secretary and Economist

Deborah J. Danker
Deputy Secretary

Matthew M. Luecke
Assistant Secretary

David W. Skidmore
Assistant Secretary

Michelle A. Smith
Assistant Secretary

Scott G. Alvarez
General Counsel

Thomas C. Baxter
Deputy General Counsel

Richard M. Ashton
Assistant General Counsel

Steven B. Kamin

David W. Wilcox

Thomas A. Connors
Associate Economist

Troy Davig
Associate Economist

Michael P. Leahy
Associate Economist

James J. McAndrews
Associate Economist

Stephen A. Meyer
Associate Economist

David Reifschneider
Associate Economist (through September 2013)

Daniel G. Sullivan
Associate Economist

Geoffrey Tootell
Associate Economist

Christopher J. Waller
Associate Economist

William Wascher
Associate Economist

Simon Potter
Manager, System Open Market Account

Board of Governors Advisory Councils

The Federal Reserve System uses advisory committees in carrying out its varied responsibilities. Three of these committees advise the Board of Governors directly: the Federal Advisory Council, the Consumer Advisory Council, and the Community Depository Institutions Advisory Council. These councils, whose members are drawn from each of the 12 Federal Reserve Districts, meet two to four times a year. The individual Reserve Banks have advisory committees as well, including thrift institutions advisory committees, small business committees, and agricultural advisory committees. Moreover, officials from all Reserve Banks meet periodically in various committees. To learn more, visit www.federalreserve.gov/aboutthefed/advisorydefault.htm.

Federal Advisory Council

The Federal Advisory Council--a statutory body established under the Federal Reserve Act--consults with and advises the Board of Governors on all matters within the Board's jurisdiction. It is composed of one representative from each Federal Reserve District, chosen by the Reserve Bank in that District. The Federal Reserve Act requires the council to meet in Washington, D.C., at least four times a year. Three members of the council serve as its president, vice president, and secretary. In 2013, it met on February 7-8, May 16-17, September 19-20, and December 5-6. The council met with the Board on February 8, May 17, September 20, and December 6, 2013.

District 1

Joseph L. Hooley
Chairman, President, and Chief Executive Officer, State Street Corporation, Boston, MA

District 2

James P. Gorman
Chairman and Chief Executive Officer, Morgan Stanley, New York, NY

District 3

Bharat B. Masrani
President and Chief Executive Officer, TD Bank,
Cherry Hill, NJ

District 4

James E. Rohr
Chairman and Chief Executive Officer, The PNC Financial Services Group, Inc., Pittsburgh, PA

District 5

Kelly S. King
Chairman and Chief Executive Officer, BB&T Corporation,Winston-Salem, NC

District 6

Daryl G. Byrd
President and Chief Executive Officer, IBERIABANK Corporation, Lafayette, LA

District 7

David W. Nelms
Chairman and Chief Executive Officer, Discover Financial Services, Riverwoods, IL

District 8

D. Bryan Jordan
Chairman, President, and Chief Executive Officer, First Horizon National Corporation, Memphis, TN

District 9

Patrick J. Donovan
President and CEO, Bremer Financial Corporation, St. Paul, MN

District 10

Jonathan M. Kemper
Chairman and CEO, Commerce Bank, N.A. (Kansas City), Kansas City, MO

District 11

Richard W. Evans Jr.
Chairman and Chief Executive Officer, Cullen/Frost Bankers Inc., San Antonio, TX (resigned August 1, 2013)

District 12

J. Michael Shepherd
Chairman and Chief Executive Officer, Bank of the West and BancWest Corporation, San Francisco, CA


James E. Rohr

D. Bryan Jordan
Vice President

James E. Annable

Community Depository Institutions Advisory Council

The Community Depository Advisory Council advises the Board of Governors on the economy, leading conditions, and other issues. Members are selected from representatives of banks, thrift institutions, and credit unions serving on local advisory councils at the 12 Federal Reserve Banks. One member of each of the Reserve Bank councils serves on the Community Depository Institutions Advisory Council, which meets twice a year with the Federal Reserve Board in Washington.


Charles H. Majors
Executive Chairman, American National Bank and Trust, Danville, VA

Drake Mills
President and Chief Executive Officer, Community Trust Bank, Ruston, LA

Glenn D. Barks
President and Chief Executive Officer, First Community Credit Union, Chesterfield, MO

Claire W. Tucker
President and Chief Executive Officer, CapStar Bank, Nashville, TN

Michael J. Castellana
President and Chief Executive Officer, SEFCU, Albany, NY

Dennis D. Cirucci
President and Chief Executive Officer, Alliance Bank, Broomall, PA

John B. Dicus
Chairman, President, and Chief Executive Officer, Capitol Federal Savings Bank, Topeka, KS

John V. Evans Jr.
Chief Executive Officer, D.L. Evans Bank, Burley, ID

Chandler J. Howard
President and Chief Executive Officer, Liberty Bank, Middletown, CT

Terry Lobdell
President, Community First Bank of Glendive, Glendive, MT (resigned August 2013)

Brian L. Johnson
Chief Executive Officer, Choice Financial Group, Grand Forks, ND

Eddie Steiner
President and Chief Executive Officer, The Commercial and Savings Bank of Millersburg, Ohio, Millersburg, OH

Model Validation Council

The Model Validation Council was established in 2012 by the Board of Governors to provide expert and independent advice on its process to rigorously assess the models used in stress tests of banking institutions. The Dodd-Frank Wall Street Reform and Consumer Protection Act required the Federal Reserve to conduct annual stress tests of large bank holding companies and systemically important, nonbank financial institutions supervised by the Board. The Model Validation Council provides input on the Board's efforts to assess the effectiveness of the models used in the stress tests. The council is intended to improve the quality of the Federal Reserve's model assessment program and to strengthen the confidence in the integrity and independence of the program.


Charles H. Majors

Drake Mills
Vice President



Mark Flannery, Chair
Professor, University of Florida

Peter Christoffersen
Professor, University of Toronto

Philippe Jorion
Professor, University of California at Irvine

Chester Spatt
Professor, Carnegie Mellon University

Allan Timmermann
Professor, University of California at San Diego

Nancy Wallace
Professor, University of California at Berkeley

Federal Reserve Banks and Branches

To carry out the day-to-day operations of the Federal Reserve System, the nation has been divided into 12 Federal Reserve Districts, each with a Reserve Bank. The majority of Reserve Banks also have at least one Branch. As required by the Federal Reserve Act of 1913, each of the Reserve Banks is supervised by a board of directors who are familiar with economic and credit conditions in the District. Similarly, each of the 24 Reserve Bank Branches has a board of directors who are familiar with conditions in the area encompassed by the Branch.

Reserve Bank and Branch Directors

Each Federal Reserve Bank has a nine-member board with three different classes of directors: three Class A directors, who are nominated and elected by the member banks in that District to represent the stockholding banks; three Class B directors, who are nominated and elected by the member banks to represent the public; and three Class C directors, who are appointed by the Board of Governors to represent the public. Class B and Class C directors are selected with due, but not exclusive, consideration to the interests of agriculture, commerce, industry, services, labor, and consumers. For the election of Class A and Class B directors, the member banks of each Federal Reserve District are classified into three groups. Each group, which is comprised of banks with similar capitalization, elects one Class A director and one Class B director. Directors are elected or appointed to three-year terms on a rotating basis so, barring any unexpected resignations, one position becomes available for each class of director each year. Each year, the Board of Governors designates one Class C director to serve as chair, and another Class C director to serve as deputy chair, of each Reserve Bank board.

Pursuant to the Federal Reserve Act, Class B and Class C directors may not be officers, directors, or employees of any bank, and Class C directors may not hold stock in any bank. In order to give full and meaningful effect to these restrictions, as well as the requirement that Class B and Class C directors be selected with consideration for sectors of the economy beyond banking, it is the Board's policy that Class B and Class C directors may not be affiliated with, and Class C directors may not hold stock in, certain other institutions that are also subject to the System's supervision.

Each Federal Reserve Bank Branch also has a board with either five or seven directors. A majority of the Branch directors are appointed by the Federal Reserve Bank, with the remaining directors appointed by the Board of Governors. Branch directors appointed by the Reserve Bank are subject to the same eligibility requirements as Class A or Class B directors. Board-appointed Branch directors must meet the same requirements as Class B directors.

For more information on Reserve Bank and Branch directors, see www.federalreserve.gov/aboutthefed/directors/about.htm.

The directors of the Banks and Branches are listed below. For each director, the class of directorship, the director's principal business, and the expiration date of the director's term are shown.

District 1-Boston
Class A

Richard E. Holbrook, 2013
Chairman and Chief Executive Officer, Eastern Bank, Boston, MA

Kathryn G. Underwood, 2014
President and Chief Executive Officer, Ledyard National Bank, Hanover, NH

Peter L. Judkins, 2015
President and Chief Executive Officer, Franklin Savings Bank, Farmington, ME

Class B

John F. Fish, 2013
Chairman and Chief Executive Officer, Suffolk Construction Company, Inc., Boston, MA

Gary L. Gottlieb, 2014
President and Chief Executive Officer, Partners HealthCare System, Inc., Boston, MA

Roger S. Berkowitz, 2015
President and Chief Executive Officer, Legal Sea Foods, LLC, Boston, MA

Class C

Kirk A. Sykes, 2013
President, New Boston's Urban Strategy America Fund, Boston, MA

William D. Nordhaus, 2014
Sterling Professor of Economics, Yale University, New Haven, CT

Catherine D'Amato, 2015
President and Chief Executive Officer, The Greater Boston Food Bank, Boston, MA

District 2-New York
Class A

Gerald H. Lipkin, 2013
Chairman, President, and Chief Executive Officer, Valley National Bank, Wayne, NJ

Paul P. Mello, 2014
President and Chief Executive Officer, Solvay Bank, Solvay, NY

Richard L. Carrión, 2015
Chairman, President, and Chief Executive Officer, Popular, Inc., San Juan, PR

Class B

Alphonso O'Neil-White, 2013
President and Chief Executive Officer, HealthNow New York Inc., Buffalo, NY

Terry J. Lundgren, 2014
Chairman, President, and Chief Executive Officer, Macy's, Inc., New York, NY

Glenn H. Hutchins, 2015
Co-Founder, Silver Lake, New York, NY

Class C

Kathryn S. Wylde, 2013
President and Chief Executive Officer, Partnership for New York City, New York, NY

Emily K. Rafferty, 2014
President, The Metropolitan Museum of Art, New York, NY

Sara Horowitz, 2015
Executive Director, Freelancers Union, Brooklyn, NY

District 3-Philadephia
Class A

R. Scott Smith, 2013
Retired Chairman and Chief Executive Officer, Fulton Financial Corporation, Lancaster, PA

Frederick C. "Ted" Peters II, 2014
Chairman and Chief Executive Officer, Bryn Mawr Trust Company, Bryn Mawr, PA

David R. Hunsicker, 2015
Chairman, President, and Chief Executive Officer, New Tripoli Bank, New Tripoli, PA

Class B

Keith S. Campbell, 2013
Chairman, Mannington Mills, Inc., Salem, NJ

Patrick Harker, 2014
President, University of Delaware, Newark, DE

Rosemary Turner, 2015
President, UPS-North California District, Oakland, CA

Class C

Jeremy Nowak, 2013
President, J. Nowak and Associates, LLC, Philadelphia, PA

Michael Angelakis, 2014
Vice Chair and Chief Financial Officer, Comcast Corporation, Philadelphia, PA

James E. Nevels, 2015
Founder and Chairman, The Swarthmore Group, Philadelphia, PA

District 4-Cleveland
Class A

Paul G. Greig, 2013
Chairman, President, and Chief Executive Officer, FirstMerit Corporation, Akron, OH

Todd A. Mason, 2014
President and Chief Executive Officer, First National Bank of Pandora, Pandora, OH

Claude E. Davis, 2015
President and Chief Executive Officer, First Financial Bancorp, Cincinnati, OH

Class B

Harold (Hal) Keller, 2013
President, Ohio Capital Corporation for Housing, Columbus, OH

Tilmon F. Brown, 2014
President and Chief Executive Officer, New Horizons Baking Company, Norwalk, OH

Susan Tomasky, 2015
Energy Consultant and Former President, AEP Transmission, Columbus, OH

Class C

Christopher M. Connor, 2013
Chairman and Chief Executive Officer, The Sherwin-Williams Company, Cleveland, OH

John P. Surma, 2014
Executive Chairman, United States Steel Corporation, Pittsburgh, PA

Richard K. Smucker, 2015
Chief Executive Officer, The J.M. Smucker Company, Orrville, OH

Cincinnati Branch

Appointed by the Federal Reserve Bank

Austin W. Keyser, 2013
Midwest Senior Field Representative, AFL-CIO, Columbus, OH

Gregory B. Kenny, 2014
President and Chief Executive Officer, General Cable Corporation, Highland Heights, KY

Amos L. Otis, 2014
Founder, President, and Chief Executive Officer, SoBran, Inc., Dayton, OH

Donald E. Bloomer, 2015
President and Chief Executive Officer, Citizens National Bank, Somerset, KY

Appointed by the Board of Governors

Peter S. Strange, 2013
Chairman, Messer, Inc., Cincinnati, OH

Deborah A. Feldman, 2014
President and Chief Executive Officer, The Children's Medical Center of Dayton, Dayton, OH

Charles H. Brown, 2015
Vice President and Secretary, Toyota Motor Engineering and Manufacturing, N.A., Erlanger, KY

Pittsburgh Branch

Appointed by the Federal Reserve Bank

Todd D. Brice, 2013
President and Chief Executive Officer, S&T Bancorp, Inc., Indiana, PA

Petra Mitchell, 2014
President, Catalyst Connection, Pittsburgh, PA

Grant Oliphant, 2015
President and Chief Executive Officer, The Pittsburgh Foundation, Pittsburgh, PA

Sean McDonald, 2015
President and Chief Executive Officer, Precision Therapeutics, Inc., Pittsburgh, PA

Appointed by the Board of Governors

Glenn R. Mahone, 2013
Partner and Attorney at Law, Reed Smith LLP, Pittsburgh, PA

Charles L. Hammel III , 2014
President, PITT OHIO, Pittsburgh, PA

Dawne S. Hickton, 2015
Vice Chair, President, and Chief Executive Officer, RTI International Metals, Inc., Pittsburgh, PA

District 5-Richmond
Class A

Alan L. Brill, 2013
President and Chief Executive Officer, Capon Valley Bank, Wardensville, WV

Edward L. Willingham IV, 2014
President, First Citizens BancShares, Inc., and First Citizens Bank, Raleigh, NC

Brad E. Schwartz, 2015
Chief Executive Officer, Monarch Bank and Monarch Financial Holdings, Inc., Chesapeake, VA

Class B

Patrick C. Graney III, 2013
Chairman, OneStop, Charleston, WV

Marshall O. Larsen, 2014
Retired Chairman, President, and Chief Executive Officer, Goodrich Corporation, Charlotte, NC

Wilbur E. Johnson, 2015
Managing Partner, Young Clement Rivers, LLP, Charleston, SC

Class C

Margaret G. Lewis, 2013
President, HCA Capital Division, Richmond, VA

Linda D. Rabbitt, 2014
Chairman and Chief Executive Officer, Rand Construction Corporation, Washington, DC

Russell C. Lindner, 2015
Chairman and Chief Executive Officer, The Forge Company, Washington, DC

Baltimore Branch

Appointed by the Federal Reserve Bank

William B. Grant, 2013
Chairman, President, and Chief Executive Officer, First United Corporation and First United Bank & Trust, Oakland, MD

Richard Bernstein, 2014
President and Chief Executive Officer, LWRC International, LLC, Cambridge, MD

Anita G. Newcomb, 2015
President and Managing Director, A. G. Newcomb & Co., Columbia, MD

Christopher J. Estes, 2015
President and Chief Executive Officer, National Housing Conference, Washington, DC

Appointed by the Board of Governors

Samuel L. Ross, 2013
Chief Executive Officer, Bon Secours Baltimore Health System, Baltimore, MD

Jenny G. Morgan, 2014
President and Chief Executive Officer, basys, inc., Linthicum, MD

Stephen R. Sleigh, 2015
Fund Director, IAM National Pension Fund, Washington, DC

Charlotte Branch

Appointed by the Federal Reserve Bank

Robert R. Hill Jr., 2013
President and Chief Executive Officer, SCBT Financial Corporation, Columbia, SC

Paul E. Szurek, 2014
Chief Financial Officer, Biltmore Farms, LLC, Asheville, NC

Lucia Z. Griffith, 2015
Chief Executive Officer and Principal, METRO Landmarks, Charlotte, NC

John S. Kreighbaum, 2015
President and Chief Executive Officer, Carolina Premier Bank and Premara Financial, Inc., Charlotte, NC

Appointed by the Board of Governors

Elizabeth A. Fleming, 2013
President, Converse College, Spartanburg, SC

Claude Z. Demby, 2014
Chief Executive Officer, Noël Group, LLC, Zebulon, NC

David J. Zimmerman, 2015
President, Southern Shows, Inc., Charlotte, NC

District 6-Atlanta
Class A

T. Anthony Humphries, 2013
President and Chief Executive Officer, NobleBank & Trust, Anniston, AL

William H. Rogers Jr., 2014
Chairman and Chief Executive Officer, SunTrust Banks, Inc., Atlanta, GA

Gerard R. Host, 2015
President and Chief Executive Officer, Trustmark Corporation, Jackson, MS

Class B

José S. Suquet, 2013
Chairman, President, and Chief Executive Officer, Pan-American Life Insurance Group,
New Orleans, LA

Renée Lewis Glover, 2014
Former President and Chief Executive Officer, Atlanta Housing Authority, Atlanta, GA

Clarence Otis Jr., 2015
Chairman and Chief Executive Officer, Darden Restaurants, Inc., Orlando, FL

Class C

Carol B. Tomé, 2013
Chief Financial Officer and Executive Vice President, The Home Depot, Atlanta, GA

Thomas I. Barkin, 2014
Director, McKinsey & Company, Atlanta, GA

Thomas A. Fanning, 2015
Chairman, President, and Chief Executive Officer, Southern Company, Atlanta, GA

Birmingham Branch

Appointed by the Federal Reserve Bank

C. Richard Moore Jr., 2013
Chairman, President, and Chief Executive Officer, Peoples Southern Bank, Clanton, AL

Macke B. Mauldin, 2014
President, Bank Independent, Sheffield, AL

John A. Langloh, 2015
President and Chief Executive Officer, United Way of Central Alabama, Birmingham, AL

James K. Lyons, 2015
Director and Chief Executive Officer, Alabama State Port Authority, Mobile, AL

Appointed by the Board of Governors

Brandon W. Bishop, 2013
Business Manager and Financial Secretary, International Union of Operating Engineers - Local 312, Birmingham, AL

Thomas R. Stanton, 2014
Chairman and Chief Executive Officer, ADTRAN, Inc., Huntsville, AL

Pamela B. Hudson, 2015
Chief Executive Officer, Crestwood Medical Center, Huntsville, AL

Miami Branch

Appointed by the Federal Reserve Bank

Gary L. Tice, 2013
Chairman and Chief Executive Officer, First National Bank of the Gulf Coast, Naples, FL

Carol C. Lang, 2014
President, HealthLink Enterprises, Inc., Miami Beach, FL

Facundo L. Bacardi, 2014
Chairman, Barcardi Limited, Coral Gables, FL

Millar Wilson, 2015
President and Chief Executive Officer, Mercantil Commercebank, Coral Gables, FL

Appointed by the Board of Governors

Michael J. Jackson, 2013
Chairman and Chief Executive Officer, AutoNation, Inc.,
Fort Lauderdale, FL

Thomas W. Hurley, 2014
Chairman and Chief Executive Officer, Becker Holding Corporation, Vero Beach, FL

Alberto Dosal, 2015
Chairman and Chief Executive Officer, Dosal Capital, LLC, Miami, FL

Nashville Branch

Appointed by the Federal Reserve Bank

William Y. Carroll Jr., 2013
President and Chief Executive Officer, SmartBank,
Pigeon Forge, TN

Dan W. Hogan, 2014
Chief Operating Officer, CapStar Bank, Nashville, TN

Jennifer S. Banner, 2015
Chief Executive Officer, Schaad Companies, LLC, Knoxville, TN

Kent M. Adams, 2015
President and Chief Executive Officer, Caterpillar Financial Services Corporation, Nashville, TN
Vice President, Caterpillar, Inc., Peoria, IL

Appointed by the Board of Governors

Kathleen Calligan, 2013
Chief Executive Officer, Better Business Bureau Middle Tennessee, Nashville, TN

Scott McWilliams, 2014
Executive Chairman, OHL, Brentwood, TN

William J. Krueger, 2015
Senior Vice President, Manufacturing, Process Engineering, Purchasing, Supply Chain Management and Total Customer Satisfaction, Nissan Americas, Franklin, TN

New Orleans Branch

Appointed by the Federal Reserve Bank

Elizabeth A. Ardoin, 2013
Senior Executive Vice President - Director of Communications, IBERIABANK, Lafayette, LA

Carl J. Chaney, 2014
President and Chief Executive Officer, Hancock Holding Company, New Orleans, LA

Phillip R. May, 2015
President and Chief Executive Officer, Entergy Louisiana, LLC and Entergy Gulf States Louisiana, L.L.C., Jefferson, LA

Vacancy, 2015

Appointed by the Board of Governors

Terrie P. Sterling, 2013
Executive Vice President and Chief Operating Officer, Our Lady of the Lake Regional Medical Center, Baton Rouge, LA

T. Lee Robinson Jr., 2014
President, OHC, Inc., Mobile, AL

Kevin P. Reilly, Jr., 2015
President and Chairman of the Board, Lamar Advertising Company, Baton Rouge, LA

District 7-Chicago
Class A

Mark C. Hewitt, 2013
President and Chief Executive Officer, Clear Lake Bank & Trust Company, Clear Lake, IA

Frederick H. Waddell, 2014
Chairman and Chief Executive Officer, Northern Trust Corporation and The Northern Trust Company, Chicago, IL

William M. Farrow, 2015
President and Chief Executive Officer, Urban Partnership Bank, Chicago, IL

Class B

Jorge Ramirez, 2013
President, Chicago Federation of Labor, Chicago, IL

Nelda J. Connors, 2014
Chairwoman and Chief Executive Officer, Pine Grove Holdings, LLC, Chicago, IL

Terry Mazany, 2015
President and Chief Executive Officer, The Chicago Community Trust, Chicago, IL

Class C

Vacancy, 2013

Jeffrey A. Joerres, 2014
Chairman and Chief Executive Officer, ManpowerGroup, Milwaukee, WI

Greg Brown, 2015
Chairman and Chief Executive Officer, Motorola Solutions, Inc., Schaumburg, IL

Detroit Branch

Appointed by the Federal Reserve Bank

Nancy M. Schlichting, 2013
Chief Executive Officer, Henry Ford Health System, Detroit, MI

Susan M. Collins, 2014
Joan and Sanford Weill Dean of Public Policy, University of Michigan, Ann Arbor, MI

Fernando Ruiz, 2014
Corporate Vice President and Treasurer, The Dow Chemical Company, Midland, MI

Sheilah P. Clay, 2015
President and Chief Executive Officer, Neighborhood Service Organization, Detroit, MI

Appointed by the Board of Governors

Carl T. Camden, 2013
President and Chief Executive Officer, Kelly Services, Inc., Troy, MI

Michael E. Bannister, 2014
Retired Chairman and Chief Executive Officer, Ford Motor Credit Company, Dearborn, MI

Lou Anna K. Simon, 2015
President, Michigan State University, East Lansing, MI

District 8-St. Louis
Class A

Robert G. Jones, 2013
President and Chief Executive Officer, Old National Bancorp, Evansville, IN

Susan S. Stephenson, 2014
Co-Chairman and President, Independent Bank, Memphis, TN

William E. Chappel, 2015
President and Chief Executive Officer, The First National Bank, Vandalia, IL

Class B

Cal McCastlain, 2013
Partner, Dover Dixon Horne PLLC, Little Rock, AR

Gregory M. Duckett, 2014
Senior Vice President and Corporate Counsel, Baptist Memorial Health Care Corporation, Memphis, TN

Sonja Yates Hubbard, 2015
Chief Executive Officer, E-Z Mart Stores, Inc., Texarkana, TX

Class C

Sharon D. Fiehler, 2013
Executive Vice President and Chief Administrative Officer, Peabody Energy,
St. Louis, MO

Ward M. Klein, 2014
Chief Executive Officer, Energizer Holdings, Inc., St. Louis, MO

George Paz, 2015
Chairman, President, and Chief Executive Officer, Express Scripts,
St. Louis, MO

Little Rock Branch

Appointed by the Federal Reserve Bank

Michael A. Cook, 2013
Senior Vice President and Assistant Treasurer, Wal-Mart Stores, Inc., Bentonville, AR

Vacancy, 2014

Mary Ann Greenwood, 2014
Chairman and Investment Advisor, Greenwood Gearhart Inc., Fayetteville, AR

Ronald B. Jackson, 2015
Chairman and Chief Executive Officer, Simmons First Bank, Russellville, AR

Appointed by the Board of Governors

Kaleybra Mitchell Morehead, 2013, Vice President for College
, Southeast Arkansas College, Pine Bluff, AR

Ray C. Dillon, 2014
President and Chief Executive Officer, Deltic Timber Corporation, El Dorado, AR

Robert Martinez, 2015
Owner, Rancho La Esperanza, DeQueen, AR

Louisville Branch

Appointed by the Federal Reserve Bank

David P. Heintzman, 2013
Chairman and Chief Executive Officer, Stock Yards Bank & Trust Company, Louisville, KY

Malcolm Bryant, 2014
President, The Malcolm Bryant Corporation, Owensboro, KY

Kevin Shurn, 2014
President and Owner, Superior Maintenance Co., Elizabethtown, KY

Jon A. Lawson, 2015
President, Chief Executive Officer, and Chairman, Bank of Ohio County, Beaver Dam, KY

Appointed by the Board of Governors

Gary A. Ransdell, 2013
President, Western Kentucky University, Bowling Green, KY

Gerald R. Martin, 2014
Managing Member, River Hill Capital, LLC, Louisville, KY

Susan E. Parsons, 2015
Chief Financial Officer, Secretary, and Treasurer, Koch Enterprises, Inc., Evansville, IN

Memphis Branch

Appointed by the Federal Reserve Bank

Mark P. Fowler, 2013
Vice Chairman, Liberty Bank of Arkansas, Jonesboro, AR

Clyde Warren Nunn, 2014
Chairman and President, Security Bancorp of Tennessee, Inc., Halls, TN

R. Molitor Ford, Jr., 2014
Vice Chairman and Chief Executive Officer, Commercial Bank and Trust Company, Memphis, TN

Jon A. Lawson, 2015
President, Chief Executive Officer, and Chairman, Bank of Ohio County, Beaver Dam, KY

Appointed by the Board of Governors

Charles S. Blatteis, 2013
Managing Member, Blatteis Law Firm, PLLC, Memphis, TN

Lawrence C. Long, 2014
Partner, St. Rest Planting Co., Indianola, MS

Charlie E. Thomas III, 2015
Regional Director of External & Legislative Affairs,
AT&T Tennessee,
Memphis, TN

District 9-Minneapolis
Class A

Julie Causey, 2013
Chairman, Western Bank,
St. Paul, MN

Kenneth A. Palmer, 2014
Chairman, President, and Chief Executive Officer, Range Financial Corporation & Range Bank, NA, Marquette, MI

Randy L. Newman, 2015
Chairman and Chief Executive Officer, Alerus Financial, NA and Alerus Financial Corp., Grand Forks, ND

Class B

Lawrence R. Simkins, 2013
President and Chief Executive Officer, The Washington Companies, Missoula, MT

Howard A. Dahl, 2014
President and Chief Executive Officer, Amity Technology LLC, Fargo, ND

Christine Hamilton, 2015
Managing Partner, Christiansen Land and Cattle, Ltd, Kimball, SD

Class C

Mary K. Brainerd, 2013
President and Chief Executive Officer, HealthPartners, Minneapolis, MN

MayKao Y. Hang, 2014
President and Chief Executive Officer, Amherst H. Wilder Foundation, St. Paul, MN

Randall J. Hogan, 2015
Chairman and Chief Executive Officer, Pentair, Minneapolis, MN

Helena Branch

Appointed by the Federal Reserve Bank

Thomas R. Swenson, 2013
President and Chief Executive Officer, Bank of Montana and Bancorp of Montana Holding Company, Missoula, MT

Duana Kurokawa, 2014
President, Western Bank of Wolf Point, Wolf Point, MT

Barbara Stiffarm, 2015
Executive Director, Opportunity Link, Inc., Havre, MT

Appointed by the Board of Governors

David B. Solberg, 2014
Owner, Seven Blackfoot Ranch Company, Billings, MT

Marsha Goetting, 2015
Professor and Extension Family Economics Specialist, Montana State University, Bozeman, MT

District 10-Kansas City
Class A

Max T. Wake, 2013
President, Jones National Bank & Trust Co., Seward, NE

Vacancy, 2014

David W. Brownback, 2015
President and Chief Executive Officer, Citizens State Bank & Trust Company, Ellsworth, KS

Class B

Len C. Rodman, 2013
Chairman, President, and Chief Executive Officer, Black & Veatch, Overland Park, KS

Richard K. Ratcliffe, 2014
Chairman, Ratcliffe's Inc., Weatherford, OK

John T. Stout Jr., 2015
Chief Executive Officer, Plaza Belmont Management Group LLC, Shawnee Mission, KS

Class C

Rose Washington, 2013
Executive Director, Tulsa Economic Development Corporation, Tulsa, OK

Barbara Mowry, 2014
Chief Executive Officer, GoreCreek Advisors, Greenwood Village, CO

Steve Maestas, 2015
Managing Partner, NAI Maestas and Ward, Albuquerque, NM

Denver Branch

Appointed by the Federal Reserve Bank

Mark A. Zaback, 2013
President and Chief Executive Officer, Jonah Bank of Wyoming, Casper, WY

Brian R. Wilkinson, 2014
President, Steele Street Bank & Trust, Denver, CO

Anne Haines Yatskowitz, 2015
President and Chief Executive Officer, ACCION New Mexico-Arizona-Colorado, Albuquerque, NM

Lilly Marks, 2015
Vice President for Health Affairs and Executive Vice Chancellor, University of Colorado and Anschutz Medical Campus, Aurora, CO

Appointed by the Board of Governors

Margaret M. Kelly, 2013
Chief Executive Officer, RE/MAX, LLC, Denver, CO

Larissa L. Herda, 2014
Chair, Chief Executive Officer, and President, tw telecom inc., Littleton, CO

Richard L. Lewis, 2015
President and Chief Executive Officer, RTL Networks Inc., Denver, CO

Oklahoma City Branch

Appointed by the Federal Reserve Bank

Douglas E. Tippens, 2013
President and Chief Executive Officer, Bank of Commerce, Yukon, OK

Paula D. Bryant-Ellis, 2013
Chief Operating Officer, BOK Financial Mortgage Group, Tulsa, OK

Linda Capps, 2014
Vice Chairman, Citizen Potawatomi Nation, Shawnee, OK

Michael C. Coffman, 2015
President and Chief Executive Officer, Panhandle Oil and Gas, Inc., Oklahoma City, OK

Appointed by the Board of Governors

K. Vasudevan, 2013
Chairman and Founder, Service & Technology Corporation, Bartlesville, OK

James D. Dunn, 2014
Chair, Mill Creek Lumber & Supply Co., Tulsa, OK

Peter B. Delaney, 2015
Chairman, Chief Executive Officer, and President, OGE Energy Corporation,
Oklahoma City, OK

Omaha Branch

Appointed by the Federal Reserve Bank

JoAnn M. Martin, 2013
Chair, President, and Chief Executive Officer, Ameritas Life Insurance Corp., Lincoln, NE

Jeff W. Krejci, 2014
President and Vice Chairman, First State Bank Nebraska, Lincoln, NE

James L. Thom, 2015
Vice President, T-L Irrigation Co., Hastings, NE

Brian D. Esch, 2015
President and Chief Executive Officer, McCook National Bank, McCook, NE

Appointed by the Board of Governors

Anne Hindery, 2013
Chief Executive Officer, Nonprofit Association of the Midlands, Omaha, NE

James C. Farrell, 2014
President and Chief Executive Officer, Farmers National Company, Omaha, NE

G. Richard Russell, 2015
President and Chief Executive Officer, Millard Lumber Inc., Omaha, NE

District 11-Dallas
Class A

Joe Kim King, 2013
Chief Executive Officer and Chairman of the Board, Texas Country Bancshares, Inc., Brady, TX

George F. Jones Jr., 2014
Chief Executive Officer, Texas Capital Bank, Dallas, TX

Allan James "Jimmy" Rasmussen, 2015
President and Chief Executive Officer, HomeTown Bank, N.A., Galveston, TX

Class B

Elton M. Hyder, 2013
President, The EMH Corporation, Fort Worth, TX

Jorge A. Bermudez, 2014
President and Chief Executive Officer, Byebrook Group, College Station, TX

Ann B. Stern, 2015
President and Chief Executive Officer, Houston Endowment, Inc., Houston, TX

Class C

Herbert D. Kelleher, 2013
Founder and Chairman Emeritus, Southwest Airlines, Dallas, TX

Renu Khator, 2014
Chancellor/President, University of Houston, Houston, TX

Myron E. Ullman III, 2015
Chief Executive Officer, J.C. Penney Company, Inc., Plano, TX

El Paso Branch

Appointed by the Federal Reserve Bank

Larry L. Patton, 2013
President and Chief Executive Officer, WestStar Bank,
El Paso, TX

Laura M. Conniff, 2014
Qualifying Broker, Mathers Realty, Inc., Las Cruces, NM

Jerry Pacheco, 2014
President, Global Perspectives Integrated, Inc., Santa Teresa, NM

Robert Nachtmann, 2015
Dean and Professor of Finance, The University of Texas at El Paso, El Paso, TX

Appointed by the Board of Governors

Cindy J. Ramos-Davidson, 2013
President and Chief Executive Officer, El Paso Hispanic Chamber of Commerce,
El Paso, TX

Robert E. McKnight Jr., 2014
Partner, McKnight Ranch Company, Fort Davis, TX

Renard U. Johnson, 2015
President and Chief Executive Officer, Management & Engineering Technologies International Inc. (METI), El Paso, TX

Houston Branch

Appointed by the Federal Reserve Bank

Gerald B. Smith, 2013
Chairman and Chief Executive Officer, Smith, Graham & Company Investment Advisors, L.P., Houston, TX

Vacancy, 2014

Kirk S. Hachigian, 2014
Principal, SkyKarr Capital LLC, Houston, TX

Paul B. Murphy Jr., 2015
President and Chief Executive Officer, Cadence Bank, Houston, TX

Appointed by the Board of Governors

Greg L. Armstrong, 2013
Chairman and Chief Executive Officer, Plains All American Pipeline, L.P., Houston, TX

Paul W. Hobby, 2014
Chairman and Founding Partner, Genesis Park, LP, Houston, TX

Ellen Ochoa, 2015
Director, NASA Johnson Space Center, Houston, TX

San Antonio Branch

Appointed by the Federal Reserve Bank

Josue Robles Jr., 2013
President and Chief Executive Officer, USAA, San Antonio, TX

Ygnacio D. Garza, 2014
Partner, Long Chilton LLP, Brownsville, TX

Janie Barrera, 2014
President and Chief Executive Officer, Accion Texas, Inc.,
San Antonio, TX

Manoj Saxena, 2015
General Manager, IBM Software Group, IBM, Austin, TX

Appointed by the Board of Governors

Curtis V. Anastasio, 2013
President and Chief Executive Officer, NuStar Energy L.P.,
San Antonio, TX

Thomas E. Dobson, 2014
Chairman and Chief Executive Officer, Whataburger Restaurants, L.P.,
San Antonio, TX

Catherine M. Burzik, 2015
Former President and Chief Executive Officer, Kinetic Concepts, Inc., San Antonio, TX

District 12-San Francisco
Class A

Betsy Lawer, 2013
Vice Chair and President, First National Bank Alaska, Anchorage, AK

Megan F. Clubb, 2014
President and Chief Executive Officer, Baker Boyer National Bank, Walla Walla, WA

Peter S. Ho, 2015
Chairman, President, and Chief Executive Officer, Bank of Hawaii and Bank of Hawaii Corporation, Honolulu, HI

Class B

Nicole C. Taylor, 2013
President and Chief Executive Officer, Thrive Foundation for Youth, Menlo Park, CA

Richard A. Galanti, 2014
Executive Vice President and Chief Financial Officer, Costco Wholesale Corporation, Issaquah, WA

Steven E. Bochner, 2015
Partner, Wilson, Sonsini, Goodrich, & Rosati, P.C., Palo Alto, CA

Class C

Patricia E. Yarrington, 2013
Vice President and Chief Financial Officer, Chevron Corporation, San Ramon, CA

Roy A. Vallee, 2014
Retired Executive Chairman and Chief Executive Officer, Avnet, Inc., Phoenix, AZ

Alexander R. Mehran, 2015
President and Chief Executive Officer, Sunset Development Company, San Ramon, CA

Los Angeles Branch

Appointed by the Federal Reserve Bank

David I. Rainer, 2013
Chairman, President, and Chief Executive Officer, California United Bank, Encino, CA

Peggy Tsiang Cherng, 2014
Co-Chair of the Board and Co-Chief Executive Officer, Panda Restaurant Group, Inc., Rosemead, CA

John C. Molina, 2015
Chief Financial Officer, Molina Healthcare, Inc., Long Beach, CA

James A. Hughes, 2015
Chief Executive Officer, First Solar, Inc., Tempe, AZ

Appointed by the Board of Governors

Grace Evans Cherashore, 2013
President and Chief Executive Officer, Evans Hotels,
San Diego, CA

Keith E. Smith, 2014
President and Chief Executive Officer, Boyd Gaming Corporation, Las Vegas, NV

Vacancy, 2015

Portland Branch

Appointed by the Federal Reserve Bank

Roger W. Hinshaw, 2013
President, Oregon and SW Washington and Commercial Market Executive for Oregon and Inland Northwest, Bank of America Oregon, N.A., Portland, OR

Robert C. Hale, 2014
Chief Executive Officer, Hale Companies, Hermiston, OR

Tamara L. Lundgren, 2014
President and Chief Executive Officer, Schnitzer Steel Industries, Inc., Portland, OR

S. Randolph Compton, 2015
President, Chief Executive Officer, and Co-Chairperson of the Board, Pioneer Trust Bank, N.A., Salem, OR

Appointed by the Board of Governors

Joseph E. Robertson Jr., M.D., 2013, President,
Oregon Health & Science University, Portland, OR

Roderick C. Wendt, 2014
Chief Executive Officer, JELD-WEN, inc., Klamath Falls, OR

Román D. Hernández, 2015
Shareholder, Schwabe, Williamson & Wyatt, P.C., Portland, OR

Salt Lake City Branch

Appointed by the Federal Reserve Bank

Albert T. Wada, 2013
Chairman, Wada Farms, Inc., Pingree, ID

Josh England, 2014
President and Chief Financial Officer, C.R. England, Inc., Salt Lake City, UT

Damon G. Miller, 2014
Utah Market President, U.S. Bank, Salt Lake City, UT

Susan D. Mooney Johnson, 2015
President, Futura Industries, Clearfield, UT

Appointed by the Board of Governors

Scott L. Hymas, 2013
Chief Executive Officer, RC Willey, Salt Lake City, UT

Patrick F. Keenan, 2014
Chief Financial Officer, Rio Tinto Kennecott Utah Copper, South Jordan, UT

Bradley J. Wiskirchen, 2015
Chief Executive Officer, Keynetics, Inc., Boise, ID

Seattle Branch

Appointed by the Federal Reserve Bank

Nicole W. Piasecki, 2013
Vice President and General Manager, Propulsion Systems Division, Boeing Commercial Airplanes, Everett, WA

Scott L. Morris, 2014
Chairman, President, and Chief Executive Officer, Avista Corporation, Spokane, WA

Patrick G. Yalung, 2014
Regional President, Washington, Wells Fargo Bank, N.A., Seattle, WA

Greg C. Leeds, 2015
President and Chief Executive Officer, Wizards of the Coast, Hasbro, Inc., Renton, WA

Appointed by the Board of Governors

Martha Choe, 2013
Chief Administrative Officer,
The Bill & Melinda Gates Foundation, Seattle, WA

Ada M. Healey, 2014
Vice President, Real Estate, Vulcan Inc., Seattle, WA

Mary O. McWilliams, 2015
Executive Director, Puget Sound Health Alliance, Seattle, WA

Reserve Bank and Branch Leadership

Each year, the Board of Governors designates one Class C director to serve as chair, and one Class C director to serve as deputy chair, of each Reserve Bank board. Each Reserve Bank also has a president and first vice president, who are appointed by the board of directors of the Bank, subject to approval by the Board of Governors. The chair of a Branch board is selected from among the Branch's Board-appointed directors.


Kirk A. Sykes, Chair

William D. Nordhaus, Deputy Chair

Eric S. Rosengren, President

Kenneth C. Montgomery,
First Vice President

New York

Emily K. Rafferty, Chair

Kathryn S. Wylde, Deputy Chair

William C. Dudley, President

Christine M. Cumming,
First Vice President

Additional office at East Rutherford, NJ


Jeremy Nowak, Chair

James E. Nevels, Deputy Chair

Charles I. Plosser, President

D. Blake Prichard,
First Vice President


Richard K. Smucker, Chair

Christopher M. Connor,
Deputy Chair

Sandra Pianalto, President

Gregory Stefani,
First Vice President


Peter S. Strange, Chair

LaVaughn M. Henry,
Senior Regional Officer


Glenn R. Mahone, Chair

Guhan Venkatu,
Senior Regional Officer


Linda D. Rabbitt,

Russell C. Lindner,
Deputy Chair

Jeffrey M. Lacker,

Mark L. Mullinix,
First Vice President


Jenny G. Morgan, Chair

David E. Beck, Officer in Charge


David J. Zimmerman, Chair

Matthew A. Martin,
Officer in Charge


Thomas I. Barkin, Chair

Carol B. Tomé, Deputy Chair

Dennis P. Lockhart, President

Marie C. Gooding,
First Vice President


Thomas R. Stanton, Chair

Lesley McClure,
Vice President and Regional Executive


Carolyn M. Fennell, Chair

Christopher L. Oakley,
Vice President and Regional Executive


Michael J. Jackson, Chair

Vice President and Regional Executive


Kathleen Calligan, Chair

Lee C. Jones,
Vice President and Regional Executive

New Orleans

T. Lee Robinson Jr., Chair

Adrienne C. Slack,
Vice President and Regional Executive


Jeffrey A. Joerres, Chair

Greg Brown, Deputy Chair

Charles L. Evans, President

Gordon Werkema,
First Vice President

Additional office at Des Moines, IA


Carl T. Camden, Chair

Robert Wiley, Officer in Charge

St. Louis

Ward M. Klein, Chair

Sharon D. Fiehler, Deputy Chair

James Bullard, President

David A. Sapenaro, First Vice President

Little Rock

Ray C. Dillon,

Robert A. Hopkins,
Regional Executive


Gerald R. Martin,

Maria Gerwing Hampton,
Regional Executive


Charles S. Blatteis,

Martha Perine Beard,
Regional Executive


Mary K. Brainerd, Chair

Randall J. Hogan, Deputy Chair

Narayana R. Kocherlakota, President

James M. Lyon, First Vice President


David B. Solberg, Chair

R. Paul Drake, Officer in Charge

Kansas City

Barbara Mowry, Chair

Steve Maestas, Deputy Chair

Esther L. George, President

Kelly J. Dubbert, First Vice President


Larissa L. Herda, Chair

Alison Felix, Officer in Charge

Oklahoma City

James D. Dunn, Chair

Chad R. Wilkerson, Officer in Charge


James C. Farrell, Chair

Nathan Kauffman,
Officer in Charge


Herbert D. Kelleher, Chair

Myron E. Ullman III, Deputy Chair

Richard W. Fisher, President

Helen E. Holcomb, First Vice President

El Paso

Cindy J. Ramos-Davidson, Chair

Roberto A. Coronado, Officer in Charge


Paul W. Hobby, Chair

Daron D. Peschel, Officer in Charge

San Antonio

Thomas E. Dobson, Chair

Blake Hastings, Officer in Charge

San Francisco

Patricia E. Yarrington, Chair

Roy A. Vallee,
Deputy Chair

John C. Williams, President

John F. Moore,
First Vice President

Additional office at Phoenix, AZ

Los Angeles

Keith E. Smith, Chair

Roger W. Replogle, Officer in Charge


Roderick C. Wendt, Chair

Steven H. Walker, Officer in Charge

Salt Lake City

Scott L. Hymas, Chair

Robin A. Rockwood,
Officer in Charge


Ada M. Healey, Chair

Mark A. Gould, Officer in Charge

Leadership Conferences
Conference of Chairs

The chairs of the Federal Reserve Banks are organized into the Conference of Chairs, which meets to consider matters of common interest and to consult with and advise the Board of Governors. Such meetings, also attended by the deputy chairs, were held in Washington, D.C., on May 21 and 22 and November 5 and 6, 2013. The conference's executive committee members for 2013 and 2014 are listed below.

Conference of Chairs Executive Committee-2013

Herbert D. Kelleher, Chair,
Federal Reserve Bank of Dallas

Mary K. Brainerd, Vice Chair,
Federal Reserve Bank of Minneapolis

Ward M. Klein, Member,
Federal Reserve Bank of
St. Louis

Conference of Chairs Executive Committee-2014

Jeffrey A. Joerres, Chair,
Federal Reserve Bank of Chicago

Sharon D. Fiehler, Vice Chair,
Federal Reserve Bank of
St. Louis

Emily K. Rafferty, Member,
Federal Reserve Bank of
New York

Conference of Presidents

The presidents of the Federal Reserve Banks are organized into the Conference of Presidents, which meets periodically to identify, define, and deliberate issues of strategic significance to the Federal Reserve System; to consider matters of common interest; and to consult with and advise the Board of Governors. Conference officers for 2013 are listed below.

Conference of Presidents-2013

Charles I. Plosser, Chair,
Federal Reserve Bank of Philadelphia

Dennis P. Lockhart, Vice Chair,
Federal Reserve Bank of Atlanta

Frank J. Doto, Secretary,
Federal Reserve Bank of Philadelphia

Maria Smith,
Assistant Secretary,
Federal Reserve Bank of Atlanta

Conference of First Vice Presidents

The Conference of First Vice Presidents of the Federal Reserve Banks was organized in 1969 to meet periodically for the consideration of operations and other matters. Conference officers for 2013 are listed below.1

Conference of First Vice Presidents-2013

Blake Prichard, Chair,
Federal Reserve Bank of Philadelphia

Kenneth Montgomery, Vice Chair,
Federal Reserve Bank of Boston

Thomas Lombardo, Secretary,
Federal Reserve Bank of Philadelphia

Jeanne MacNevin,
Assistant Secretary,
Federal Reserve Bank of Boston


1. On December 3, 2013, the Conference elected Kenneth Montgomery as chair for 2014-15 and Gregory Stefani, first vice president of the Federal Reserve Bank of Cleveland, as vice chair. The Conference also elected Jeanne MacNevin as secretary for 2014-15 and Terri Bialowas, Federal Reserve Bank of Cleveland, as assistant secretary. Return to text