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Pentagon Renovations

The Pentagon Renovation Program (PENREN) is among the largest facility renovation and modernization programs ever accomplished, spanning two decades of planning, design, and construction. Integrating complete structural and building systems renovation with information technology and security improvements, the Program's activities began with the building of the Pentagon Heating and Refrigeration Plant and basement renovations. Subsequently, the effort focused on the above-ground portion of the Pentagon and various support facilities and projects. Work took place in one wedge at a time—a wedge being a one–fifth slice of the building between the centers of two adjacent sides.

From 1991 to 2011—a turbulent time around the world–the nerve center of the nation's military power remained operational 24/7, during all phases of demolition and renovation. PENREN's successes with sustainable construction and delivering a quality product have provided safe, modern, efficient, and flexible spaces for the Department of Defense.

  • Renovated the world's largest low-rise office building (6.5M square feet).
  • Accelerated construction by nearly 3 years from 2014 to 2011 as mandated by Congress.
  • Moved/relocated more than 40,000 personnel with minimal disruption.
  • In one year, rebuilt more than 400K square feet of facilities damaged on September 11th and constructed the Pentagon Memorial.
  • Built and relocated the National Military Command Center, collocating and integrating 3 Military Operation Centers during war time, with no down time.
  • Achieved US Green Building Council's Leadership in Energy and Environmental Design (LEED) certifications for 4 out of 5 wedges, the Pentagon Athletic Center, the Pentagon Library & Conference Center, the Metro Entrance Facility, and the Remote Delivery Facility.
  • Completed significant force protection projects such as the Metro Entrance Facility and the relocations of Routes 110 and 27 surrounding the Pentagon.