Statistical Tables

1 2 3 4 5 6A 6B 6C 7 8 9A 9B 10 11 12 13 14

Statistical Table 13

Number and annual salaries of officers and employees of the Federal Reserve Banks, December 31, 2013
Table 13. Number and annual salaries of officers and employees of the Federal Reserve Banks, December 31, 2013
Federal Reserve Bank (including branches) President 1 Other officers1 Employees Total
Annual salary (dollars) 2 Number Annual salaries (dollars)2 Number Annual salaries (dollars)2 Number Annual salaries (dollars)2
Full-time Part-time
Boston 350,400 71 14,671,048 937 29 88,352,943 1,038 103,374,391
New York 410,780 514 115,252,921 2,546 35 282,839,031 3,096 398,502,732
Philadelphia 350,400 66 11,536,765 823 16 67,149,811 906 79,036,976
Cleveland 347,400 54 9,668,100 839 23 66,771,202 917 76,786,702
Richmond 347,400 79 13,853,652 1,387 25 112,557,675 1,492 126,758,727
Atlanta 314,400 78 14,991,480 1,486 16 118,308,887 1,581 133,614,767
Chicago 350,400 111 20,615,543 1,324 44 120,412,103 1,480 141,378,047
St. Louis 281,300 88 15,772,000 910 34 71,690,841 1,033 87,744,141
Minneapolis 313,500 55 9,920,225 988 51 75,243,412 1,095 85,477,137
Kansas City 323,200 79 13,884,200 1,319 14 92,281,391 1,413 106,488,791
Dallas 350,400 70 11,812,352 1,085 9 78,959,645 1,165 91,122,396
San Francisco 367,500 87 18,403,012 1,521 18 142,695,287 1,627 161,465,799
Federal Reserve Information Technology ... 67 12,374,436 1,092 4 115,136,914 1,163 127,511,350
Office of Employee Benefits ... 14 3,178,250 38 0 3,949,040 52 7,127,290
Total 4,107,080 1,433 285,933,984 16,295 318 1,436,348,182 18,058 1,726,389,246

Note: Components may not sum to totals because of rounding.

1. No president or other officer, except for an officer who received a promotion with a significant increase in responsibility, received a salary increase in 2011, 2012, or 2013, due to the Board's application of the pay freeze to Reserve Bank officers. Return to table

2.Annualized salary liability (excluding outside agency costs) based on salaries in effect on December 31, 2013. Return to table

... Not applicable.