Statistical Tables

1 2 3 4 5 6A 6B 6C 7 8 9A 9B 10 11 12 13 14

Statistical Table 6C

Reserves of depository institutions, Federal Reserve Bank credit, and related items, year-end 1918-198
Millions of dollars
Table 6C. Reserves of depository institutions, Federal Reserve Bank credit, and related items, year-end 1918-1983
Millions of dollars
Period Factors supplying reserve funds
Federal Reserve Bank credit outstanding Gold stock 6 Special drawing rights certificate account Treasury currency outstanding 7
Securities held outright 1 Repurchase agreements 2 Loans Float 3 All other 4 Other Federal Reserve assets 5 Total
1918 239 0 1,766 199 294 0 2,498 2,873 . . . 1,795
1919 300 0 2,215 201 575 0 3,292 2,707 . . . 1,707
1920 287 0 2,687 119 262 0 3,355 2,639 . . . 1,709
1921 234 0 1,144 40 146 0 1,563 3,373 . . . 1,842
1922 436 0 618 78 273 0 1,405 3,642 . . . 1,958
1923 80 54 723 27 355 0 1,238 3,957 . . . 2,009
1924 536 4 320 52 390 0 1,302 4,212 . . . 2,025
1925 367 8 643 63 378 0 1,459 4,112 . . . 1,977
1926 312 3 637 45 384 0 1,381 4,205 . . . 1,991
1927 560 57 582 63 393 0 1,655 4,092 . . . 2,006
1928 197 31 1,056 24 500 0 1,809 3,854 . . . 2,012
1929 488 23 632 34 405 0 1,583 3,997 . . . 2,022
1930 686 43 251 21 372 0 1,373 4,306 . . . 2,027
1931 775 42 638 20 378 0 1,853 4,173 . . . 2,035
1932 1,851 4 235 14 41 0 2,145 4,226 . . . 2,204
1933 2,435 2 98 15 137 0 2,688 4,036 . . . 2,303
1934 2,430 0 7 5 21 0 2,463 8,238 . . . 2,511
1935 2,430 1 5 12 38 0 2,486 10,125 . . . 2,476
1936 2,430 0 3 39 28 0 2,500 11,258 . . . 2,532
1937 2,564 0 10 19 19 0 2,612 12,760 . . . 2,637
1938 2,564 0 4 17 16 0 2,601 14,512 . . . 2,798
1939 2,484 0 7 91 11 0 2,593 17,644 . . . 2,963
1940 2,184 0 3 80 8 0 2,274 21,995 . . . 3,087
1941 2,254 0 3 94 10 0 2,361 22,737 . . . 3,247
1942 6,189 0 6 471 14 0 6,679 22,726 . . . 3,648
1943 11,543 0 5 681 10 0 12,239 21,938 . . . 4,094
1944 18,846 0 80 815 4 0 19,745 20,619 . . . 4,131
1945 24,262 0 249 578 2 0 25,091 20,065 . . . 4,339
1946 23,350 0 163 580 1 0 24,093 20,529 . . . 4,562
1947 22,559 0 85 535 1 0 23,181 22,754 . . . 4,562
1948 23,333 0 223 541 1 0 24,097 24,244 . . . 4,589
1949 18,885 0 78 534 2 0 19,499 24,427 . . . 4,598
1950 20,725 53 67 1,368 3 0 22,216 22,706 . . . 4,636
1951 23,605 196 19 1,184 5 0 25,009 22,695 . . . 4,709
1952 24,034 663 156 967 4 0 25,825 23,187 . . . 4,812
1953 25,318 598 28 935 2 0 26,880 22,030 . . . 4,894
1954 24,888 44 143 808 1 0 25,885 21,713 . . . 4,985
1955 24,391 394 108 1,585 29 0 26,507 21,690 . . . 5,008
1956 24,610 305 50 1,665 70 0 26,699 21,949 . . . 5,066
1957 23,719 519 55 1,424 66 0 25,784 22,781 . . . 5,146
1958 26,252 95 64 1,296 49 0 27,755 20,534 . . . 5,234
1959 26,607 41 458 1,590 75 0 28,771 19,456 . . . 5,311
1960 26,984 400 33 1,847 74 0 29,338 17,767 . . . 5,398
1961 28,722 159 130 2,300 51 0 31,362 16,889 . . . 5,585
1962 30,478 342 38 2,903 110 0 33,871 15,978 . . . 5,567
1963 33,582 11 63 2,600 162 0 36,418 15,513 . . . 5,578
1964 36,506 538 186 2,606 94 0 39,930 15,388 . . . 5,405
1965 40,478 290 137 2,248 187 0 43,340 13,733 . . . 5,575
1966 43,655 661 173 2,495 193 0 47,177 13,159 . . . 6,317
1967 48,980 170 141 2,576 164 0 52,031 11,982 . . . 6,784
1968 52,937 0 186 3,443 58 0 56,624 10,367 . . . 6,795
1969 57,154 0 183 3,440 64 2,743 63,584 10,367 . . . 6,852
1970 62,142 0 335 4,261 57 1,123 67,918 10,732 400 7,147
1971 69,481 1,323 39 4,343 261 1,068 76,515 10,132 400 7,710
1972 71,119 111 1,981 3,974 106 1,260 78,551 10,410 400 8,313
1973 80,395 100 1,258 3,099 68 1,152 86,072 11,567 400 8,716
1974 84,760 954 299 2,001 999 3,195 92,208 11,652 400 9,253
1975 92,789 1,335 211 3,688 1,126 3,312 102,461 11,599 500 10,218
1976 100,062 4,031 25 2,601 991 3,182 110,892 11,598 1,200 10,810
1977 108,922 2,352 265 3,810 954 2,442 118,745 11,718 1,250 11,331
1978 117,374 1,217 1,174 6,432 587 4,543 131,327 11,671 1,300 11,831
1979 124,507 1,660 1,454 6,767 704 5,613 140,705 11,172 1,800 13,083
1980 128,038 2,554 1,809 4,467 776 8,739 146,383 11,160 2,518 13,427
1981 136,863 3,485 1,601 1,762 195 9,230 153,136 11,151 3,318 13,687
1982 144,544 4,293 717 2,735 1,480 9,890 163,659 11,148 4,618 13,786
1983 159,203 1,592 918 1,605 418 8,728 172,464 11,121 4,618 15,732

Note: For a description of figures and discussion of their significance, see Banking and Monetary Statistics, 1941-1970 (Board of Governors of the Federal Reserve System, 1976), pp. 507-23. Components may not sum to totals because of rounding.

1. In 1969 and thereafter, includes securities loaned--fully guaranteed by U.S. government securities pledged with Federal Reserve Banks--and excludes securities sold and scheduled to be bought back under matched sale-purchase transactions. On September 29, 1971, and thereafter, includes federal agency issues bought outright. Return to table

2. On December 1, 1966, and thereafter, includes federal agency obligations held under repurchase agreements. Return to table

3. In 1960 and thereafter, figures reflect a minor change in concept; refer to Federal Reserve Bulletin, vol. 47 (February 1961), p. 164. Return to table

4. Principally acceptances and, until August 21, 1959, industrial loans, the authority for which expired on that date. Return to table

5. For the period before April 16, 1969, includes the total of Federal Reserve capital paid in, surplus, other capital accounts, and other liabilities and accrued dividends, less the sum of bank premises and other assets, and is reported as "Other Federal Reserve accounts;" thereafter, "Other Federal Reserve assets" and "Other Federal Reserve liabilities and capital" are shown separately. Return to table

6. Before January 30, 1934, includes gold held in Federal Reserve Banks and in circulation. Return to table

7. Includes currency and coin (other than gold) issued directly by the Treasury. The largest components are fractional and dollar coins. For details refer to "U.S. Currency and Coin Outstanding and in Circulation," Treasury BulletinReturn to table

Table 6C. Reserves of depository institutions, Federal Reserve Bank credit, and related items, year-end 1918-1983 --continued
Millions of dollars
Period Factors absorbing reserve funds Member bank reserves 9
Currency in circulation Treasury cash holdings 8 Deposits with Federal Reserve Banks, other than reserve balances Other Federal Reserve accounts5 Required clearing balances Other Federal Reserve liabilities and capital5
Treasury Foreign Other With Federal Reserve Banks Currency and coin 10 Required 11 Excess11, 12
1918 4,951 288 51 96 25 118 0 0 1,636 ... 1,585 51
1919 5,091 385 31 73 28 208 0 0 1,890 ... 1,822 68
1920 5,325 218 57 5 18 298 0 0 1,781 ... ... ...
1921 4,403 214 96 12 15 285 0 0 1,753 ... 1,654 99
1922 4,530 225 11 3 26 276 0 0 1,934 ... ... ...
1923 4,757 213 38 4 19 275 0 0 1,898 ... 1,884 14
1924 4,760 211 51 19 20 258 0 0 2,220 ... 2,161 59
1925 4,817 203 16 8 21 272 0 0 2,212 ... 2,256 -44
1926 4,808 201 17 46 19 293 0 0 2,194 ... 2,250 -56
1927 4,716 208 18 5 21 301 0 0 2,487 ... 2,424 63
1928 4,686 202 23 6 21 348 0 0 2,389 ... 2,430 -41
1929 4,578 216 29 6 24 393 0 0 2,355 ... 2,428 -73
1930 4,603 211 19 6 22 375 0 0 2,471 ... 2,375 96
1931 5,360 222 54 79 31 354 0 0 1,961 ... 1,994 -33
1932 5,388 272 8 19 24 355 0 0 2,509 ... 1,933 576
1933 5,519 284 3 4 128 360 0 0 2,729 ... 1,870 859
1934 5,536 3,029 121 20 169 241 0 0 4,096 ... 2,282 1,814
1935 5,882 2,566 544 29 226 253 0 0 5,587 ... 2,743 2,844
1936 6,543 2,376 244 99 160 261 0 0 6,606 ... 4,622 1,984
1937 6,550 3,619 142 172 235 263 0 0 7,027 ... 5,815 1,212
1938 6,856 2,706 923 199 242 260 0 0 8,724 ... 5,519 3,205
1939 7,598 2,409 634 397 256 251 0 0 11,653 ... 6,444 5,209
1940 8,732 2,213 368 1,133 599 284 0 0 14,026 ... 7,411 6,615
1941 11,160 2,215 867 774 586 291 0 0 12,450 ... 9,365 3,085
1942 15,410 2,193 799 793 485 256 0 0 13,117 ... 11,129 1,988
1943 20,449 2,303 579 1,360 356 339 0 0 12,886 ... 11,650 1,236
1944 25,307 2,375 440 1,204 394 402 0 0 14,373 ... 12,748 1,625
1945 28,515 2,287 977 862 446 495 0 0 15,915 ... 14,457 1,458
1946 28,952 2,272 393 508 314 607 0 0 16,139 ... 15,577 562
1947 28,868 1,336 870 392 569 563 0 0 17,899 ... 16,400 1,499
1948 28,224 1,325 1123 642 547 590 0 0 20,479 ... 19,277 1,202
1949 27,600 1,312 821 767 750 706 0 0 16,568 ... 15,550 1,018
1950 27,741 1,293 668 895 565 714 0 0 17,681 ... 16,509 1,172
1951 29,206 1,270 247 526 363 746 0 0 20,056 ... 19,667 389
1952 30,433 1,270 389 550 455 777 0 0 19,950 ... 20,520 -570
1953 30,781 761 346 423 493 839 0 0 20,160 ... 19,397 763
1954 30,509 796 563 490 441 907 0 0 18,876 ... 18,618 258
1955 31,158 767 394 402 554 925 0 0 19,005 ... 18,903 102
1956 31,790 775 441 322 426 901 0 0 19,059 ... 19,089 -30
1957 31,834 761 481 356 246 998 0 0 19,034 ... 19,091 -57
1958 32,193 683 358 272 391 1,122 0 0 18,504 ... 18,574 -70
1959 32,591 391 504 345 694 841 0 0 18,174 310 18,619 -135
1960 32,869 377 485 217 533 941 0 0 17,081 2,544 18,988 637
1961 33,918 422 465 279 320 1,044 0 0 17,387 2,823 20,114 96
1962 35,338 380 597 247 393 1,007 0 0 17,454 3,262 20,071 645
1963 37,692 361 880 171 291 1,065 0 0 17,049 4,099 20,677 471
1964 39,619 612 820 229 321 1,036 0 0 18,086 4,151 21,663 574
1965 42,056 760 668 150 355 211 0 0 18,447 4,163 22,848 -238
1966 44,663 1,176 416 174 588 -147 0 0 19,779 4,310 24,321 -232
1967 47,226 1,344 1,123 135 653 -773 0 0 21,092 4,631 25,905 -182
1968 50,961 695 703 216 747 -1,353 0 0 21,818 4,921 27,439 -700
1969 53,950 596 1,312 134 807 0 0 1,919 22,085 5,187 28,173 -901
1970 57,093 431 1,156 148 1,233 0 0 1,986 24,150 5,423 30,033 -460
1971 61,068 460 2,020 294 999 0 0 2,131 27,788 5,743 32,496 1,035
1972 66,516 345 1,855 325 840 0 0 2,143 25,647 6,216 32,044 98
1973 72,497 317 2,542 251 1,149 13 0 0 2,669 27,060 6,781 35,268 -1,360
1974 79,743 185 3,113 418 1,27513 0 0 2,935 25,843 7,370 37,011 -3,798
1975 86,547 483 7,285 353 1,090 0 0 2,968 26,052 8,036 35,197 -1,103 14
1976 93,717 460 10,393 352 1,357 0 0 3,063 25,158 8,628 35,461 -1,535
1977 103,811 392 7,114 379 1,187 0 0 3,292 26,870 9,421 37,615 -1,265
1978 114,645 240 4,196 368 1,256 0 0 4,275 31,152 10,538 42,694 -893
1979 125,600 494 4,075 429 1,412 0 0 4,957 29,792 11,429 44,217 -2,835
1980 136,829 441 3,062 411 617 0 0 4,671 27,456 13,654 40,558 675
1981 144,774 443 4,301 505 781 0 117 5,261 25,111 15,576 42,145 -1,442
1982 154,908 429 5,033 328 1,033 0 436 4,990 26,053 16,666 41,391 1,328
1983 171,935 479 3,661 191 851 0 1013 5,392 20,413 17,821 39,179 -945

8. Coin and paper currency held by the Treasury, as well as any gold in excess of the gold certificates issued to the Reserve Bank. Return to table

9. In November 1979 and thereafter, includes reserves of member banks, Edge Act corporations, and U.S. agencies and branches of foreign banks. On November 13, 1980, and thereafter, includes reserves of all depository institutions. Return to table

10. Between December 1, 1959, and November 23, 1960, part was allowed as reserves; thereafter, all was allowed. Return to table

11. Estimated through 1958. Before 1929, data were available only on call dates (in 1920 and 1922 the call date was December 29). Since September 12, 1968, the amount has been based on close-of-business figures for the reserve period two weeks before the report date. Return to table

12. For the week ending November 15, 1972, and thereafter, includes $450 million of reserve deficiencies on which Federal Reserve Banks are allowed to waive penalties for a transition period in connection with bank adaptation to Regulation J as amended, effective November 9, 1972. Allowable deficiencies are as follows (beginning with first statement week of quarter, in millions): 1973--Q1, $279; Q2, $172; Q3, $112; Q4, $84; 1974--Q1, $67; Q2, $58. The transition period ended with the second quarter of 1974. Return to table

13. For the period before July 1973, includes certain deposits of domestic nonmember banks and foreign-owned banking institutions held with member banks and redeposited in full with Federal Reserve Banks in connection with voluntary participation by nonmember institutions in the Federal Reserve System program of credit restraint. As of December 12, 1974, the amount of voluntary nonmember bank and foreign-agency and branch deposits at Federal Reserve Banks that are associated with marginal reserves is no longer reported. However, two amounts are reported: (1) deposits voluntarily held as reserves by agencies and branches of foreign banks operating in the United States and (2) Eurodollar liabilities. Return to table

14. Adjusted to include waivers of penalties for reserve deficiencies, in accordance with change in Board policy, effective November 19, 1975. Return to table

... Not applicable.