Statistical Tables

1 2 3 4 5 6A 6B 6C 7 8 9A 9B 10 11 12 13 14

Statistical Table 9A

Statement of condition of the Federal Reserve Banks, by Bank, December 31, 2013 and 2012
Millions of dollars
Table 9A. Statement of condition of the Federal Reserve Banks, by Bank, December 31, 2013 and 2012
Millions of dollars
Item Total Boston New York Philadelphia Cleveland Richmond
2013 2012 2013 2012 2013 2012 2013 2012 2013 2012 2013 2012
Gold certificates 11,037 11,037 391 408 3,925 3,824 397 437 512 515 856 890
Special drawing rights certificates 5,200 5,200 196 196 1,818 1,818 210 210 237 237 412 412
Coin 1,955 2,108 35 38 82 90 123 141 130 145 335 373
Loans and securities
Primary, secondary, and seasonal loans 74 70 0 2 10 18 0 2 0 0 1 0
Term Asset-Backed Securities Loan Facility 1 98 560 ... ... 98 560 ... ... ... ... ... ...
Treasury securities, bought outright 2 2,208,775 1,666,145 57,757 40,467 1,224,856 934,131 63,998 55,079 56,410 42,361 137,343 118,582
Government-sponsored enterprise debt securities, bought outright2 57,221 76,783 1,496 1,865 31,731 43,048 1,658 2,538 1,461 1,952 3,558 5,465
Federal agency and government-sponsored enterprise mortgage-backed securities, bought outright 3 1,490,162 926,662 38,966 22,507 826,356 519,536 43,176 30,633 38,057 23,560 92,659 65,952
Unamortized premiums on securities held outright 4 208,610 170,962 5,455 4,153 115,682 95,852 6,043 5,651 5,329 4,346 12,972 12,168
Unamortized discounts on securities held outright4 -12,352 -1,564 -323 -37 -6,850 -877 -357 -50 -316 -40 -768 -112
Total loans and securities 3,952,588 2,839,618 103,351 68,958 2,191,883 1,592,268 114,518 93,853 100,941 72,179 245,765 202,055
Accrued interest receivable - System Open Market Account 23,493 19,031 616 463 13,007 10,645 685 635 605 489 1,474 1,369
Net portfolio holdings of consolidated variable interest entities 5 1,926 2,750 ... ... 1,926 2,750 ... ... ... ... ... ...
Foreign currency denominated assets 6 23,724 24,873 1,166 872 7,583 8,023 1,835 2,157 1,851 1,839 4,982 5,145
Central bank liquidity swaps 7 272 8,889 13 312 87 2,867 21 771 21 657 57 1,839
Other assets
Items in process of collection 165 216 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 8 0 0
Bank premises 2,290 2,318 123 119 432 431 73 71 111 115 228 230
All other assets 8 1,499 1,096 64 56 581 251 43 45 42 47 247 226
Interdistrict settlement account 0 0 6,796 31,984 166,886 -110,116 -19,721 -16,451 4,138 3,671 -32,634 -28,388
Total assets 4,024,149 2,917,136 112,751 103,406 2,388,210 1,512,851 98,184 81,869 108,588 79,902 221,722 184,151
Federal Reserve notes outstanding 1,400,977 1,354,878 45,182 47,464 513,592 478,110 41,983 47,566 58,552 60,564 104,492 103,121
Less: Notes held by Federal Reserve Bank 203,057 228,217 9,988 6,244 38,515 93,101 5,920 4,304 5,080 8,060 8,774 11,462
Federal Reserve notes outstanding, net 1,197,920 1,126,661 35,194 41,220 475,077 385,008 36,063 43,262 53,472 52,504 95,718 91,659
Securities sold under agreements to repurchase 9 315,924 107,188 8,261 2,603 175,193 60,096 9,154 3,543 8,068 2,725 19,645 7,629
Depository institutions 2,249,070 1,491,045 66,567 56,666 1,518,974 917,383 48,568 30,547 42,425 20,154 94,182 72,657
Treasury, general account 162,399 92,720 ... ... 162,399 92,720 ... ... ... ... ... ...
Foreign, official accounts 7,970 6,427 2 1 7,943 6,399 3 3 3 3 8 8
Other 10 26,180 27,476 8 8 26,020 27,345 17 14 0 0 105 68
Total deposits 2,445,619 1,617,668 66,577 56,675 1,715,336 1,043,847 48,588 30,564 42,428 20,157 94,295 72,733
Other liabilities
Accrued remittances to Treasury 11 4,791 1,407 87 31 3,328 831 84 29 84 17 192 51
Deferred credit items 1,127 702 0 0 0 0 0 0 3 3 0 0
Consolidated variable interest entities 12 274 1,218 ... ... 274 1,218 ... ... ... ... ... ...
All other liabilities 13 3,480 7,572 130 187 1,312 4,361 159 239 157 228 400 587
Total liabilities 3,969,135 2,862,416 110,249 100,716 2,370,520 1,495,361 94,048 77,637 104,212 75,634 210,250 172,659
Capital accounts
Capital paid in 27,507 27,360 1,251 1,345 8,845 8,745 2,068 2,116 2,188 2,134 5,736 5,746
Surplus (including accumulated other comprehensive loss) 27,507 27,360 1,251 1,345 8,845 8,745 2,068 2,116 2,188 2,134 5,736 5,746
Total liabilities and capital accounts 4,024,149 2,917,136 112,751 103,406 2,388,210 1,512,851 98,184 81,869 108,588 79,902 221,722 184,151

Note: Components may not sum to totals because of rounding.

1.Measured at fair value. Amounts include $1 million and $4 million in unrealized gains as of December 31, 2013 and 2012, respectively. Return to table

2.Par value. Includes securities loaned--fully collateralized by U.S. Treasury securities, other investment-grade securities, and collateral eligible for tri-party repurchase agreements pledged with Federal Reserve Banks. Return to table

3. The par amount shown is the remaining principal balance of the securities. Return to table

4. Reflects the premium or discount, which is the difference between the purchase price and the face value of the securities that has not been amortized. For U.S. Treasury and Federal agency debt securities, amortization is on a straight-line basis. For mortgage-backed securities, amortization is on an effective-interest basis. Return to table

5.The FRBNY is the primary beneficiary of TALF LLC, Maiden Lane LLC, Maiden Lane II LLC, and Maiden Lane III LLC and, as a result, the accounts and results of operations of these entities are included in the combined financial statements of the Federal Reserve Banks. For additional details, see section 5, "Table 6. Key financial data for consolidated variable interest entities."  Return to table

6. Valued daily at market exchange rates. Return to table

7. Dollar value of foreign currency held under these agreements valued at the exchange rate to be used when the foreign currency is returned to the foreign central bank. This exchange rate equals the market exchange rate used when the foreign currency was acquired from the foreign central bank. Return to table

8.Includes furniture and equipment and depository institution overdrafts. Return to table

9.Contract amount of agreements. Return to table

10. Includes deposits of government-sponsored enterprises, the Consumer Financial Protection Bureau, and international organizations. These deposits are primarily held by the FRBNY. Return to table

11. Represents the estimated weekly remittances to U.S. Treasury as interest on Federal Reserve notes or, in those cases where the Reserve Bank's net earnings are not sufficient to equate surplus to capital paid-in, the deferred asset for interest on Federal Reserve notes. The amounts on this line are calculated in accordance with Board of Governors policy, which requires the Federal Reserve Banks to remit residual earnings to the U.S. Treasury as interest on Federal Reserve notes after providing for the costs of operations, payment of dividends, and the amount necessary to equate surplus with capital paid-in. Return to table

12.The other beneficial interest holder related to the TALF LLC is the U.S. Treasury; to Maiden Lane LLC, it is JPMorgan Chase; and to Maiden Lane II and Maiden Lane III LLCs, it is AIG. Return to table

13. Includes accrued benefit costs and cash collateral posted by counterparties under commitments to purchase and sell federal agency and GSE MBS. Return to table

... Not applicable.

Table 9A. Statement of condition of the Federal Reserve Banks, by Bank, December 31, 2013 and 2012 --continued
Millions of dollars
Item Atlanta Chicago St. Louis Minneapolis Kansas City Dallas San Francisco
2013 2012 2013 2012 2013 2012 2013 2012 2013 2012 2013 2012 2013 2012
Gold certificates 1,421 1,337 792 839 310 313 190 192 309 315 728 725 1,206 1,242
Special drawing rights certificates 654 654 424 424 150 150 90 90 153 153 282 282 574 574
Coin 238 209 285 311 19 35 48 51 152 165 178 196 332 354
Loans and securities
Primary, secondary, and seasonal loans 6 4 18 9 3 0 27 32 9 3 0 0 0 0
Term Asset-Backed Securities Loan Facility 1 ...... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ...
Treasury securities, bought outright 2 146,726 100,457 119,354 92,430 35,540 26,048 20,960 15,147 41,788 33,473 85,772 64,738 218,271 143,229
Government-sponsored enterprise debt securities, bought outright2 3,801 4,629 3,092 4,260 921 1,201 543 698 1,083 1,543 2,222 2,983 5,655 6,601
Federal agency and government-sponsored enterprise mortgage-backed securities, bought outright 3 98,989 55,871 80,523 51,407 23,977 14,487 14,140 8,424 28,192 18,617 57,867 36,006 147,258 79,660
Unamortized premiums on securities held outright 4 13,858 10,308 11,273 9,485 3,355 2,673 1,980 1,555 3,947 3,434 8,101 6,643 20,614 14,697
Unamortized discounts on securities held outright4 -821 -93 -668 -87 -198 -24 -117 -15 -233 -31 -479 -61 -1,220 -135
Total loans and securities 262,559 171,176 213,592 157,504 63,598 44,385 37,533 25,841 74,786 57,039 153,483 110,309 390,578 244,052
Accrued interest receivable - System Open Market Account 1,560 1,147 1,267 1,053 377 297 222 173 444 381 910 737 2,325 1,643
Net portfolio holdings of consolidated variable interest entities 5 ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ...
Foreign currency denominated assets 6 1,352 1,422 677 663 198 203 99 101 240 247 376 398 3,365 3,800
Central bank liquidity swaps 7 15 508 8 237 2 73 1 36 3 89 4 142 39 1,358
Other assets                            
Items in process of collection 165 208 0 0 0 1 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0
Bank premises 211 215 203 203 127 131 99 103 247 252 231 239 204 209
All other assets 8 95 108 61 58 84 56 72 59 42 38 60 63 109 89
Interdistrict settlement account -44,679 36,287 -53,946 -856 -19,511 958 -14,795 2,869 -22,792 -4,827 -31,534 5,662 61,793 79,207
Total assets 223,591 213,271 163,363 160,436 45,354 46,602 23,559 29,515 53,584 53,852 124,718 118,753 460,525 332,528
Federal Reserve notes outstanding 170,140 175,865 89,177 95,089 34,459 37,318 21,614 22,352 36,847 36,361 120,857 95,624 164,081 155,444
Less: Notes held by Federal Reserve Bank 18,059 26,016 13,399 12,410 3,161 3,780 9,275 3,123 10,308 6,603 53,146 28,068 27,431 25,047
Federal Reserve notes outstanding, net 152,081 149,849 75,778 82,679 31,298 33,538 12,339 19,229 26,539 29,758 67,711 67,556 136,650 130,397
Securities sold under agreements to repurchase 9 20,986 6,463 17,071 5,946 5,083 1,676 2,998 974 5,977 2,153 12,268 4,165 31,219 9,214
Depository institutions 45,828 52,776 68,547 69,746 8,325 10,739 7,723 8,790 20,315 21,194 43,500 45,805 284,115 184,588
Treasury, general account ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ...
Foreign, official accounts 2 2 1 1 0 0 0 0 0 0 1 1 6 6
Other 10 10 8 13 26 0 0 0 0 1 2 3 6 3 1
Total deposits 45,840 52,786 68,561 69,773 8,325 10,739 7,723 8,790 20,316 21,196 43,504 45,812 284,124 184,595
Other liabilities
Acrued remittances to Treasury 11 231 90 186 89 62 27 44 11 66 39 137 75 292 118
Deferred credit items 1,009 553 0 0 0 0 118 147 0 0 0 0 0 0
Consolidated variable interest entities 12 ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ...
All other liabilities 13 280 412 249 389 124 166 105 134 106 152 178 277 278 442
Total liabilities 220,427 210,153 161,845 158,876 44,892 46,146 23,327 29,285 53,004 53,298 123,798 117,885 452,563 324,766
Capital accounts
Capital paid in 1,582 1,559 759 780 231 228 116 115 290 277 460 434 3,981 3,881
Surplus (including accumulated other comprehensive loss) 1,582 1,559 759 780 231 228 116 115 290 277 460 434 3,981 3,881
Total liabilities and capital accounts 223,591 213,271 163,363 160,436 45,354 46,602 23,559 29,515 53,584 53,852 124,718 118,753 460,525 332,528

Note: Components may not sum to totals because of rounding.

1. Measured at fair value. Amounts include $1 million and $4 million in unrealized gains as of December 31, 2013 and 2012, respectively. Return to table

2. Par value. Includes securities loaned--fully collateralized by U.S. Treasury securities, other investment-grade securities, and collateral eligible for tri-party repurchase agreements pledged with Federal Reserve Banks. Return to table

3. The par amount shown is the remaining principal balance of the securities. Return to table

4. Reflects the premium or discount, which is the difference between the purchase price and the face value of the securities that has not been amortized. For U.S. Treasury and Federal agency debt securities, amortization is on a straight-line basis. For mortgage-backed securities, amortization is on an effective-interest basis. Return to table

5.The FRBNY is the primary beneficiary of TALF LLC, Maiden Lane LLC, Maiden Lane II LLC, and Maiden Lane III LLC and, as a result, the accounts and results of operations of these entities are included in the combined financial statements of the Federal Reserve Banks. For additional details, see section 5, "Table 6. Key financial data for consolidated variable interest entities."  Return to table

6. Valued daily at market exchange rates. Return to table

7. Dollar value of foreign currency held under these agreements valued at the exchange rate to be used when the foreign currency is returned to the foreign central bank. This exchange rate equals the market exchange rate used when the foreign currency was acquired from the foreign central bank. Return to table

8. Includes furniture and equipment and depository institution overdrafts. Return to table

9. Contract amount of agreements. Return to table

10. Includes deposits of government-sponsored enterprises, the Consumer Financial Protection Bureau, and international organizations. These deposits are primarily held by the FRBNY. Return to table

11. Represents the estimated weekly remittances to U.S. Treasury as interest on Federal Reserve notes or, in those cases where the Reserve Bank's net earnings are not sufficient to equate surplus to capital paid-in, the deferred asset for interest on Federal Reserve notes. The amounts on this line are calculated in accordance with Board of Governors policy, which requires the Federal Reserve Banks to remit residual earnings to the U.S. Treasury as interest on Federal Reserve notes after providing for the costs of operations, payment of dividends, and the amount necessary to equate surplus with capital paid-in. Return to table

12. The other beneficial interest holder related to the TALF LLC is the U.S. Treasury; to Maiden Lane LLC, it is JPMorgan Chase; and to Maiden Lane II and Maiden Lane III LLCs, it is AIG. Return to table

13. Includes accrued benefit costs and cash collateral posted by counterparties under commitments to purchase and sell federal agency and GSE MBS. Return to table

... Not applicable.