Information Assurance Scholarship Program
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IASP Alumni Connections

In response to the feedback the program has received from both alumni and active scholars, the DoD CIO is developing a special section on the IASP web site dedicated to helping our IASP alumni stay connected to each other, new scholars, and to us. The section will be a central place that IASP alumni can go to obtain information on upcoming IASP networking events, share lessons learned from their experiences as an IASP scholar, as well as find ways to volunteer for future IASP outreach and social activities. We have tentatively developed three areas of interest to grow the IASP Alumni community:

We ask for your feedback as we develop this online community for our alumni. Please send an email to regarding the current areas of interest, as well as any additional suggestions you may have on how to stay connected and/or how you can contribute to future IASP outreach activities and events.

Watch the site for an announcement once the DoD CIO is prepared to move forward.