Information Assurance Scholarship Program
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to take on our Nation’s Information Security challenges?

Today, more than at any time in the past, the U.S. Department of Defense depends upon a vast, interconnected, global information infrastructure to conduct its operations. By using and securing the most sophisticated networked information systems in the world, the DoD maintains a substantial information advantage over any potential adversary, which is a key contributor to mission success. Protecting and securing this information advantage is critical to the national security of the United States and its allies.

As a powerful incentive for students to enter the IA field, DoD offers the

Information Assurance Scholarship Program

Nearly every day, the United States faces growing threats and attacks against our critical government systems. DoD’s mission is to address the Nation’s urgent security challenges and to proactively seek solutions to protect and defend our information and information systems. One of the key security challenges DoD faces daily is assuring that the Department's information, information systems, and information infrastructure are protected and available in order to support the Department's transformation to a secure net–centric environment.

Achieving information assurance (IA), however, requires more than possessing leading–edge technologies and superior operational capabilities. It requires well–educated, highly skilled, and technically savvy people in a variety of IA–related disciplines. Finding and properly training an adequate number of such personnel is one of the most important challenges DoD faces as we look to the future.

To continue to provide the growing number of trained personnel needed, DoD is working with universities across the country, known as National Centers of Academic Excellence in Information Assurance, often referred to as CAEs, to develop and expand IA–related curricula and to offer programs of study for future IA professionals.