Information Assurance Scholarship Program
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September 30, 2009 DoD CIO announces annual IASP opportunities to DoD Agencies
November 9–10, 2009 CAE Principal Investigators Conference (invitation only)
Tampa, Florida
November 15, 2009 NSA announces a solicitation for proposals to CAEs interested in participating in the IASP recruitment program
January 15, 2010 CAE submits proposals for grants to NSA
January 31, 2010 DoD Agencies notify NSA of their request to participate in the recruitment program
January 31, 2010 DoD Agencies submit student packets to NSA for the retention scholarship
February 2–5, 2010 DoD IA Symposium
Nashville, Tennessee
February 28, 2010 CAEs submit student packets to NSA for the recruitment scholarship
March 31, 2010 NSA mails recruitment scholarship packets to the participating DoD Agencies for evaluation and selection
March 31, 2010 DoD Agencies are formally notified of nominees’ acceptances into retention program
April 30, 2010 The list of selected scholarship applicants for recruitment is finalized
May 1, 2010 Active IASP recruitment scholars begin internships or full employment with DoD
May 1, 2010 Students (through their affiliated CAEs) are notified of recruitment scholarship awards
May 31, 2010 Selected students submit their signed letters to NSA
June 2010 NSA announces new CAEs at the National IAE Training Program Ceremonies
June 12–15, 2010 NSA sends signed student letters to the Participating DoD Agency POCs
July 16–18, 2010 Agency POCs contact the students
August 1, 2010 NSA finalizes CAE grant awards
August – October 2010 Active IASP retention scholars begin fall academic sessions (start dates varies by participating DoD academic institution (AFIT, NPS, and IRMC )
Varies CAEs submit annual reports to NSA. The annual report is due one month after the CAE’s spring semester ends; a final report is due one month after grant awards