Information Assurance Scholarship Program
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Want to be a CAE?

Eligibility Requirements:

Centers of Academic Excellence in IA Education

Nationally or regionally accredited four–year colleges and graduate–level universities are eligible to apply to be designated as a National Center of Academic Excellence in IA Education. Each applicant must pass a rigorous review, demonstrating its commitment to academic excellence in IA education. During the application process, applicants are evaluated against stringent criteria.

Centers of Academic Excellence in Research

Institutions meeting the Carnegie Foundation's classifications of Research University/Very High (RU/VH), Research University/High (RU/H) and Doctoral Research University (DRU) or the equivalent are eligible to apply for CAE–R. The CAE–R criteria are available as well.

Applying to the CAE Program:

Each year NSA and DHS hold a call for applications for these programs.
Applications for CAEIAE and CAE–R are due 15 January of each year. New and redesignated CAEIAEs and CAE–Rs will be announced in June each year at the Colloquium for Information Systems Security Education (The Colloquium).

To apply for CAE designation, visit the NSA CAE website