Information Assurance Scholarship Program
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Centers of Academic Excellence (CAE)

The National Security Agency (NSA) maintains a list of active National Centers of Academic Excellence (CAE) in Information Assurance Education which is updated each summer. The map below will link to NSA’s CAE list of universities, by state, that participate in the program.

CAE Institutions

Select a state from the map below:

Centers of Academic Excellence in Alaska Centers of Academic Excellence in New York Centers of Academic Excellence in Washington Centers of Academic Excellence in Oklahoma Centers of Academic Excellence in New Hampshire Centers of Academic Excellence in Vermont Centers of Academic Excellence in Massachusetts Centers of Academic Excellence in New Jersey Centers of Academic Excellence in Pennsylvania Centers of Academic Excellence in Maryland Centers of Academic Excellence in Virginia Centers of Academic Excellence in North Carolina Centers of Academic Excellence in West Virginia Centers of Academic Excellence in Ohio Centers of Academic Excellence in Indiana Centers of Academic Excellence in Kentucky Centers of Academic Excellence in Tennessee Centers of Academic Excellence in Georgia Centers of Academic Excellence in Florida Centers of Academic Excellence in Alabama Centers of Academic Excellence in Mississippi Centers of Academic Excellence in Louisiana Centers of Academic Excellence in Arkansas Centers of Academic Excellence in Missouri Centers of Academic Excellence in Illinois Centers of Academic Excellence in Iowa Centers of Academic Excellence in Michigan Centers of Academic Excellence in Michigan Centers of Academic Excellence in Minnesota Centers of Academic Excellence in South Dakota Centers of Academic Excellence in Nebraska Centers of Academic Excellence in Colorado Centers of Academic Excellence in Texas Centers of Academic Excellence in New Mexico Centers of Academic Excellence in Nevada Centers of Academic Excellence in Arizona Centers of Academic Excellence in California Centers of Academic Excellence in Oregon Centers of Academic Excellence in Idaho NO CAEs listed in this state NO CAEs listed in this state NO CAEs listed in this state NO CAEs listed in this state NO CAEs listed in this state NO CAEs listed in this state NO CAEs listed in this state NO CAEs listed in this state NO CAEs listed in this state NO CAEs listed in this state NO CAEs listed in this state NO CAEs listed in this state NO CAEs listed in this state NO CAEs listed in this state NO CAEs listed in this state NO CAEs listed in this state NO CAEs listed in this state NO CAEs listed in this state