Information Assurance Scholarship Program
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Grant Competition

The grant competition to establish an IA Scholarship Program, or to continue an IA Scholarship Program begun in a prior year, is limited to regionally accredited U.S. institutions of higher education designated as Centers of Academic Excellence in Information Assurance Education (CAE).

  • The grants enable CAEs and their collaborating partners to establish a scholarship program for students enrolled in their institutions to pursue bachelor's, master's or a doctoral degree, and graduate (post–baccalaureate) certificate programs in information assurance disciplines.
  • CAEs may also receive support for capacity–building activities and for establishing a partnership with the Information Resources Management College (IRMC) to allow DoD civilian employees and military officers to transfer from IRMC to CAEs to complete a master's or doctoral degree.

There are several documents which explain the grant application process. The Solicitation for Proposals with optional Annexes 1 (Partnership with IRMC) and 2 (Institutional Capacity Building) is the basic grant announcement; Attachment B provides preparation instructions; and Attachment C contains necessary certification documentation. All of these documents are in Word Document Format.

In addition to the documentation listed above, Excel Spreadsheets for costing the grant proposal, Attachment E, and ranking student scholarship applicants, Attachment H are included and must be completed.

Scholarship applicants will use Attachment A to identify their school’s point of contact for the IA Scholarship Program; Attachment D, the Scholarship and Vacancy Announcement; and other documentation located at DoD IA Scholarship Application Background and Requirements to compete for an academic scholarship.

All Centers of Academic Excellence in Information Assurance Education who receive an IASP grant must complete follow–on reports as described in Attachment F. Amplifying information regarding the General Provisions for National Security Agency Grants and Cooperative Agreements can be found in Attachment G.

Every year, in the November timeframe, NSA provides all CAEs a current Solicitation for Proposal. The deadline for annual proposals is February 28 and all awards are finalized by August.

Please check back in November to download the 2010 IASP Solicitation for Proposal package (including all attachments).