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Recruitment Program (College Students)
Eligibility Requirements
- 18 years of age or older and a U.S. citizen at time of application.
- Currently enrolled at, or accepted for enrollment, at a National CAE; or enrolled at an institution selected by a CAE as a collaborative partner for these purposes.
- Pursuing a course of study and/or have a declared major with an IA concentration in one of the scientific, technical or managerial disciplines related to computer and network security.
- For undergraduate applicants, must have completed at least the first two years of an undergraduate degree program by August of the calendar year in which scholarship funding will commence and be eligible to begin either the third or fourth year of the degree. GPA must be at least a 3.0 on a 4.0 scale (or an analogous rank based on a comparable scale).
- For graduate applicants, must be eligible to begin the first or second year of a master’s degree program; pursue doctoral studies; or complete a graduate IA certificate program. GPA must be at least 3.2 on a 4.0 scale (or an analogous rank based on a comparable scale).
- Recommended by the CAE for the scholarship program.
- Able to obtain a security clearance.